Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

Hey Jaime
Up until i got some comments about my gethsemane recording, i always thought that when i was zipping into my head register i was using full head voice....but people were saying its reinforced falsetto....and if thats the case, whats the difference? :P
If i am just doing reinforced falsetto, then how do i use full head voice?

heres my recording of gethsemane by the way:

also, over the last 2 or 3 months i have been doing the excercises, but not focusing so much on practicing to songs because i have been doing alot of writing and recording. And ive left recording for a bit to get practicing again, and my voice is aching more than ever. i do VSR and excercises before i sing, but im still having problem with aching after about 3 songs... i know im doing some of the most challenging songs i can pick, but even with the power push and recently feeling more resonation in the nasal cavities, im still finding it difficult to sing without that ache afterwards. its mainly the A#4,B4 and C5 that are the main problems....they are my top notes before my break point.
basically, what i wanna know it, am i really hurting myself? or is it just from lack of vocal strength?
my speaking voice is a bit croaky after i have just finished a song too, but it usually goes back to normal with 2 mins.
Hope you can help me out
Lee Muria

Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice


Reinfroced falsetto is stronger falsetto, like in the E scream exercise, or similar to when I break glasses. Reinforced is closer to falsetto than true voice but still a mixture, or what Lugo calls his pharyngeal voice. Head voice is what you get during the Transcending tone exercise.

As for the song. I am not allowed to comment. Several people have emailed me from the board and asked why I haven't commented their song. Iam under new management and I receive at least a hundred requests via email per week to listen and critique singers. I am still a cool guy and feel bad but it is becoming so overwhelming tat my new management has set up several differerent choices on our Store link for singers who want song or practice critiques. So it's not that I do not want to offer you tips, but if I did it would be breech of contract and 500 other singers would expect the same courtesy. All I can say is it sounded cool;)


Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice


Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

oh the irony. I remember when I first found your myspace page and asked you to check out my page, you said you'd be happy to, but when you tried the connection didn't work or something...I guess if it had worked I might have been one of the last of the free-bees eh ;) Ah well, your new policy is understandable. I think it's pretty much standard practice for professional musicians to refuse listen to samples from fans (to protect themselves from some schmuck suing them and saying they used their idea etc...) so it makes sense that a vocal instructor/musician would do the same. It's your livelihood afterall.

Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

Believe it or not, I listen to LOTS of stuff from singers, and I do make comments like "nice job". Lee has a great voice. But with the way things have grown 100 fold in the last year, I just do not have the time to actually critique everyone.

I feel bad, but if I spent all of my time critiquing the hundreds of emails I receive, just to be a nice guy, then all of the projects that I am working on to help singers better themselves, would never get done. That is the reason I got a manager and that is the reason he had me add options to our store to allow me to crituqe and offer advice to the singer who truly wants it and will value what I have to offer.

Now I find that since I do not offer tons of free advice ton each individual, most singers are not as intertested. Everyone wants something for free, but people must realize that it isn't for free. It was costing me hours and ours that could be spread out among thousands of singers by adding free material to the Memgers section and finishing other projects, as opposed to just one individual. I have had singers call my house over and over and over again wanting more information, and I am so giving that some were taking a lot of advantage.

Well, I want my fans to know that I offer this site for free because of my passion and I truly want to help singers. I will continue to offer free services on this site such as interviews reviews, free tips on the lessons link and through this message board to some extent. But considering there are only so many hours in the day, I had to make a choice. Keep giving free advice and stay where I am at in life, or offer a variety of services that will allow me to still help but not tie up my time continuously.

I hope everyone understands,

Jaime Vendera

Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

Yeh definitely. Its your living after all.
Im still grateful for any help i can get even if its only something small. It all adds up.
Thanks Jaime

Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

Lee, I can't help, but oh my gosh, after the interlude (the outro), your voice is spectacular. I love the timbre shifts, from dark to low. Wow.

Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

My opinion may not mean as much as some other people on this website, but I think this recording is excellent. It is the best technique I have heard from an "amateur" singer on this website. I use the word amateur because I am not sure of the status of your band. I don't know if you guys gig or just make records/demo's. If you truly are an amateur, keep up the good work and you can have a career. If you are a pro, I think you have a bright future. You are awesome.


Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice


Your opinion and advice is what this message board is all about. All input is welcome;)Lee, you do truly have a wonderful voice. Thanx for understanding.


Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice


Thanks for making me feel welcome. Maybe it came off the wrong way, but I was just saying that I am an untrained vocalist. However, I know what sounds good and I think Lee is great. Keep up the great work and hope your business endeavours are successful.


Re: Reinforced Falsetto vs Full Head Voice

Thanks guys