Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

Hello kids, just wanted to tease you. RYV II is getting closer. It looks like ti will be over 200 pages long for this edition. We just hired a new photographer, new ilustrator and a new cover designer. There are now 5 exercises to the pitchwheel system which will be two part exercises; working up for higher notes and working down for lower notes. There will also be 4 levels to take a singer from beginning to advanced. I CANNOT wait until it is released:)


Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer


Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

Hey Jaime,

I dunno if this has been posted before, but there were some mistakes I noticed in the first edition of Raise Your Voice- and I was wondering if you wanted to fix them for the second edition...


Page 17:
"Useful Tip: Reach Up, Not Out"

I'm guessing you wanted to write "Reach Out, Not Up".


Page 24:
the vocal classifications were correct, but you left out the mezzo-soprano. Expected range of a mezzo-soprano: A3-F3, but the highest notes are sometimes B5 or C6.

You also wrote where the break point of each "classification" lies. It says:

Bass: E3
Baritone: E4
Tenor: E4
Alto: A4
Soprano: E5

First of all, isn't it pretty much impossible to have a break at E3? Also, I always thought that the break point determined your vocal classification. (In other words, if your chest voice ends at E4, you're a bass. If your chest voice ends at A4, your a Baritone. If your chest voice ends at C5, your a tenor.) So how could the break point of a Baritone and of a Tenor be the same?


Pages 81-82:
You name Calcium and Zinc as important minerals for the health of a singer, but do not mention that they cancel each other out when taken simultaneously. Of course, I am not an expert in the field, but I have been warned by many pharmacists not to take Calcium and Zinc at the same time. I did a little research on the internet, and found these two articles that contain relevant information:

"There is also evidence suggesting that less is more when it comes to multivitamins. Those products that contain 20 different vitamins and minerals are convenient to take but are also more likely to interact and potentially cancel each other out. For example, many multivitamins now offer vitamin C and calcium. But calcium attaches like a magnet to minerals such as iron, zinc and copper and reduces their absorption by the body; vitamin C, on the other hand, increases the absorption of iron and folic acid."

"What are the three most important minerals to an athlete? Iron, Zinc and you guessed it, Calcium. That's the point of a sports nutritionist. Ask the body and it will say calcium, calcium and calcium. This is clear from the amount of calcium we need as opposed to other minerals and the priority it gets within our systems. If you ingest Calcium and Zinc and Iron (and I've seen one company dumb enough to combine them in one pill), the body will prioritize the calcium over the other two. That is why sports nutritionists and most smart supplement companies advise athletes to take Iron and Zinc at a time when there is little or no calcium in the stomach. This goes for the Zinc containing supplement ZMA as well."


Page 83-84:
The first word in the description of "Goldeanseal" and the first word in the description of "Kelp" are bold.


Page 116:
"Useful Tip: All Notes Are Created Equal-"
should be
"Useful Tip: All Notes Are Created Equally-"


Page 161:
"Useful Tip: MindMusic-"
should be
"Useful Tip: Mind Music-"


Page 169-174:
The vocal classifications you wrote in the glossary do not match the vocal classifications on page 24.

"Bass: E1-E4
Baritone: B1-A4
Tenor: D2-E5
Alto: A2-E6"


There...those are the "mistakes" I found. I hope I didn't come a across as a dick or anything. Just want to help!

By the way, I can't wait for RYV II to come out!! I'll be one of the first to buy it.

Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

Argg...sorry, I meant to write "the expected range of an alto is A3-F5".

By the way, here's the "official" vocal classification list, according to the "New Harvard Dictionary of Music":

Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer


Thank you so much for these tips. Mopst of them were caught already. Apparently I didn't have a good enough editor for the first edition. But this time we had the best. Still, do me a favor and send this list to and I will check into it. I don't really believe the train of thought about calcium and zinc cancelling each other out. Too many different medical opinions out there. Point is, I take calcium and Zinc all the time but and I can still feel the affect, so I am sure they are not being cancelled out. Still, there are a lot of new things we are adding and correcting to the health setion, so I will take everything you mentioned into consideration and appreciate the fact that you care enough about the book to offer this information;) Make sure to tell me your real name in the email and I will add you to the RYV creds;)


Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

That's great news, Jaime! 200 pages? AWESOME!


Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

I was referring to you when I had the best editor:)

Jaime Vendera

Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

Great news Jaime! When is your expected release date? Also I'm not sure if RYV II is a revised edition with additional tips or a whole different book all together...

Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

Wow those Harvard voice classification ranges are really whimpy. Perhaps its to make all singers feel special when they can go over those ranges? Which is just about everyone lol.

Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

I'm glad my love of English is paying off. Kidding!

It seriously sounds great! Can't wait to see what it looks like now. Congrats on all your hard work, Jaime.


Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

You'll see it sooner than anyone else does;)


Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer


I am up to 204 pages and not even finished updating Part One of the book. And that is not even including the useful tips being provided by the world's top coaches. Please email me at I think it's time for me to start involving you again and getting it completed;)

Jaime V

Re: Raise Your Voice 2nd Edition getting closer

Jaime, you have a message.
