Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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My version of Gethsemane

Hey guys
Ive recently recorded my own version of Gethsemane from Jesus Christ Super Star....
Let me know your opinions

Heres the link:

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Its about 8 Megabytes, so it takes a few minutes to download.

Re: My version of Gethsemane

WOW honestly thats the best version I've ever heard of this song. I love everything about this, and love your voice.

AMAZING. 5 Stars. I love how your head voice is very even do you happen to be a tenor?

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Thanks alot!....have u heard the Steve Balsamo version though not sure my version is as good as his.
Umm well when i auditioned for a choir one time i was classed as a baritone...the woman said 'that was great, but i think you're a baritone trying to do a tenors song?' i was like 'WHAT!'....the song was 'one hand, one heart' from westside story...theres not even anything high in it, so i didnt struggle to reach any
so i showed her my head voice...and she was like :O

So that goes to prove that vocal classification is pointless...i think she was just judging by the tone of my voice, because i was putting a bit more weight on my voice than usual....

But if i was to go by the original way of classification through range, then i would be a tenor, because my highest chest voice note is a tenor C.

Thanks for your comment anyway :)

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Dude, if that is you, you are awesome. I bet you can sing Queensryche and Maiden songs well. I heard the Halford falsetto screams as well. Keep it up!

Re: My version of Gethsemane

lol of course its me...
im not another time waster like cobb :P
Thanks for the comment though dude
Yeh i can sing Maiden songs pretty well, i havent tried singing to any Queensryche yet though, only just started getting into them a few weeks ago.

Ill have some more stuff recorded over the next few weeks. Im working on recordings for my glam/sleaze rock band, my prog metal band, and about another 3-4 different recording projects with different people. I want to get some more covers in too like maybe 'wind beneath my wings' and maybe a prince

Thanks again


Re: My version of Gethsemane

Well...I wasnt gonna waste you, but since you threw the first stone.....
1.Fairly on-key
2.Way to technical..loosen the tie up boy...
3.No Passion....none
4.Sounds like a karaoke bar rendition
5.Wanna hear how its really sang?...Listen to Ray Gillians version

See oiselle I wasnt mean...just truthfull...What do you think Jamie Rockstar???Cobbs not as dumb as you may think....:)

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Wow....thats possibly the most productive thing Cobb has 'ever' said on this forum *claps*
Yeh theres a few *tiny* off key parts that stike out at me and are making me annoyed when i hear it, so i may do it
And as for passion and over complication, i based it on the version that i have by steve balsamo... and i dont think his version has that much more feeling than mine, so im happy with what i have done.
but i wudnt say its way to technical at all...

and as for sounding like a karaoke rendition, then you must have some better kareoke bars than what we have around here...not to sound big headed...but i think its a difficult song to make sound good...

Anyway, its good to hear constructive criticism coming from

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Like I said....Do yourself a favor....Ray Gillians version!

Re: My version of Gethsemane

You kinda sound like Frasier from that show cheers doing Phantom of the Opera...but your still a bit better than most of the tools on here...cheers to ya...

Cobbs Editor Note:This is Cobbs favorite song of all time....

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Well...Cobb has made his first error...My reference to the late Ray Gillian wasin error as it was actually Ian Gillian I was refering to...but.........I listened to your boy perform it and must say I am impressed, I see now where your influence came from...all the same,being that you had the sack to at least try this song, I would like to officially invite you to be my 2nd friend on here.

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Ok ill have a look out for that Ian Gillian version, im glad that you're impressed though, i know i would be very critical if someone sang one of my favourite songs and posted it here... And im glad you see where i got the influence from.
I think ill redo certain parts of it again when i get the time, because theres a few little things i dont like about it...
thanks anyway Cobb

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Man, that's just awesome! I LOVE that song, and it is very difficult, and you nailed it! Great job on the high notes, gave me chills. I haven't heard the version by the singer you named, but I'm sure you did him justice. I like Ian Gillian's version a lot, but the 1973 movie with Ted Neeley is to me the ultimate. You've got to check that out if you haven't seen it, but you hit those high notes with as much power as he does!

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Thanks Heath!
Yeh ill have to check out that movie :)
I never even knew there was a movie of
Stay cool

Re: My version of Gethsemane

That is VERY, VERY good Lee! I enjoyed listening to you quite a lot. I love your tone; your voice sounds clear, vibrant and crisp. My only critisism is that for some reason sometimes I find your vibrato just a tiny bit too slow. Besides that, I have too say it was really well sang. Bravo!

Bravo Cobb as well for being truthful rather than hurtful in your comments.

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Thanks Oiselle!
That is a personal choice by the way, i prefer slow vibrato as opposed to fast vibrato... but i can make it fast if i want...
Im glad you like my tone though :)

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Yes of course! I don't like a vibrato that's too fast either. It wasn't all the time; only occasionally it slowed down below your average speed. How do you control your vibrato? I find that difficult sometimes...

Re: My version of Gethsemane

LOVED it, Lee!

One thing that intrigued me...on that really high "Why should I die?" phrase, you start on, like, a G5 in falsetto...right? But then, at the end of the phrase when you sing "...die?" it sounds like you're back in full voice! Is that correct? And if so, HOW DO YOU DO IT?? lol

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Thanks for the comment :)

well its all full voice...if anything though i would say it was the other way around, because when i start i have lungs full of air, but towards the end, i started losing air and the tone started getting quieter and softer...but not enough to be falsetto really... when im singing like this in my room, it actually makes me ears ring (and my friends ears) because its so loud, so its definitely not falsetto...but i do have a problem with having a light head voice tone....

Its been something ive wanted to ask you Jaime, how can i get my head voice thicker? I know you have answered this before with focus on more chest resonance, but this doesnt seem to do anything for me?
Is there something more specific i can work on?

Re: My version of Gethsemane

Hmm...just because it's loud doesn't mean it's not falsetto. You can swell your falsetto to be as loud and resonant as an opera singer, but it's not suddenly going to be full voice. Some people like to distinguish between "normal falsetto" and "reinforced falsetto", but in my opinion, it's the same thing, "reinforced..." just being louder and more resonant.

Of course, we may well mean the same thing, since there are SO many different terms for describing falsetto vs full voice...

Re: My version of Gethsemane

I'd consider what he's using a light mix in head voice, definitely not falsetto but not totally full voice. If it was falsetto he would have either broken or sounded much different as he connected his notes. Also you can tell by the resonance it is a mix and not falsetto.