Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

I am an amateur vocalist with not much money. I was wondering if there was much difference between singing through a guitar multi effects pedal and singing through a vocal processor like the Digitech 300. I read that someone in this forum uses a guitar distortion stompbox to sing through and it peaked my curiousity. I would not be using it for recording. Just messing around with my garage band and maybe onstage if we ever reach that point

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

I use to do the same thing. It's cool for effect but not like a dedicated vocal processor like TC Helicon's Voice Live. It runs about $800, but they make the same thing in a rack mount for half that price. Chck out the reviews link to learn more about them.

Jaime Vendera

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

Thanks for the prompt reply, Jaime. I knew you were going to mention TC Helicon and it is probably a great product, but I don't want to spend that much cash. On a side note, I took your advice(and others) and bought a Shure 58. It seems to be not as sensitive as my cheap Audio Technica, but I can't tell if it is necessarily better at this point. I imagine that it will blow it away when I get a chance to crank it up and cut through the instruments

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

I've had the Digitech processor for a few years and it works fine and isn't too expensive, especially if you get it on Ebay.

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

I never really cared for digitech, but they are okay I guess. Maybe try to find a used Voiceworks on Ebay. Might be able to get one for a couple hundred bucks. It would be worth the money.


Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

The singer from Biomechanical uses a Boss Chorus footpedal to get this weird effect on his voice, and it works well.

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

Digitech sucks the fart out of dead dog ass.

You want to get a Zoom pedal. I have recorded with those for years, and they are rock solid in construction and the sound fidelity is stable. If you are recording though, just make sure to get a compression pedal hooked up between the Zoom pedal and the computer. Turn the compression on the Zoom off, and down-adjust the compression level on the Danelectro until the hiss is almost inaudible. Chances are, your soundcard will not record it anyway. Good luck!

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

Danelectro Surf N' Turf, I meant. Another good one is the BOSS compression pedal, because it has a knee level adjustment control.

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I was just watching the Priest, Live Vengeance DVD the other night and Halford was nailing his screams. He had an effect on his voice that sounded like a harmonizer or chorus on his voice when he did his screams. It sounded like 2 voices, one higher and one lower. I want to be able to get that sound from a pedal that I can control. Can anyone tell me what effect he is using?

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

Lee-I heard what you wrote about the Boss Chorus used by Biomechanical. He does sound like Halford when he hits the high screams using that effect. That is probably what I have been looking for.

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

You just want something that will overdrive your voice without distorting it too much. Chorus is also good; it adds body and fullness to the voice (you'd think I was going on about some new hair product, HA) but you want to watch your level. If it's too high, your voice will warble like that little toy bird water whistle you may have had as a kid.

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

COBB still plays with his.

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

Pram, good tips. You should consider doing a free lesson for this site focused on different pedals to use for voice processing and their best uses. I would be honored to have you do one and share your expertise. We;d even plug your music and band in the lessons. Maybe get a pic too.


PS- One more thing...COBBY, I DO NOT need a free lesson from you unless you want to post something new on voice...Then maybe we'll talk;)

Re: Singing Through Guitar Effects Pedals

My friend says that a delay can add some great effects to the voice as well. I think Halford uses that on Desert Plains when he screams at the end of the chorus.