Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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I just listened to myself singing...

I never realized how bad I sound. I seriously feel really crappy at the moment, I feel like I spent all this time doing scales and stuff for nothing. I don't know what is wrong with me, maybe its the wrong song I don't know.

I noticed I was off key a ton, I was using lots of my stomach to force vibrato and notes. When I tried to hit notes lightly I couldn't hear them right. It sounds like a lot of my sound is getting caught in the back of my throat. My breathing in this song is horrible too. I know its quite a hard song, but I'd thought I would be able to do better then this, I just feel pathetic.

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

hey man, don't get discouraged, i'm positive it's not as bad as you think... our voices sound WAY different to us when we hear them from the outside in... you should post the song and see if we can help, either way keep working hard man, bob dylan did all those things all the time, and look at him

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

Like Jaime says, record yourself is a great way to become a better singer.

My suggestion is to learn the melody with the keyboard or guitar and try to sing along with it. It helps a lot expecially when you have to learn harmonies.

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

dude, EVERYTHING will show up on a recording, so ease yourself in gently. if it's a hard song for you, don't do it. Record yourself singing happy birthday if you have to - just make sure you get the technique down. Then move onto better things gradually. Singing's a really personal thing so it's easy to get really down if you think you sound rubbish, so keep it simple and work your way up once you can do the easy things PERFECT.

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

I always tell my students (I'm a school teacher not a voice teacher but it still applies) those two things:

1) Practice makes perfect!
2) When you try your best, it always gets better!

Keep up your good work and good luck!

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

Great job!!!Now you are your own teacher. Don't be upset. Work harder now:)


Re: I just listened to myself singing...

Thank you everyone for the encouraging words. The more I think about it,it really wasn't a great time to record myself. I had gotten about 5 hours of sleep total the night before, had to wake up for 2 final exams, and didn't have time to sleep. I also had an extremely stiff neck and a really bad headache which I still have even though I been stretching I think I just need sleep badly. I couldn't sleep last night either so I think I'm just gonna give my voice rest for the day.

Meanwhile I'm gonna start practicing breathing exercises.

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

You know, it's amazing...

When you first start out singing, you hate the sound of your own voice. I used to sing along with Marilyn Manson and Korn, and Filter, and Nine Inch Nails. One day, I thought it would be cool to do it while I'm listening to the songs on headphones. That day was a defining one for me. When I played it back, I not only sounded off-key, but I also sounded like I was wearing a sweater vest and glasses and trying to be something I'm not. It takes awhile to get yourself into a position of actually liking to hear yourself sing. I still criticize my early stuff (see the thread while I take the mick out of my own music) but I've improved over the years, and now people tell me that out of everything they hear in my music, my voice is their favorite aspect. I think it's important to sing to yourself without music, without distractions, someplace that has an echo. If you can't find that, then cup your hand around your ear and sing into it using your wrist as a sound ramp. That's the best way I can describe it. Only then will be you be truely hearing how you sound to other people. My problem now, is that I probably do that too much. I don't have the guts to sing hard/high or scream without my hand cupped around my ear.

Do you think that's a crutch, Jaime?

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

Only then will be you be

Buh buh be buh uh be uh be THAT'S ALL, FOLKS!

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

OMG....J,man... I went through that I while ago .... dude I REALLY know how it feels I had this impression of me having a decent tone and some decent singg skills..... and yeah then I recorded my self and it was awful... it was so weak.... I felt like shit for the rest of the day but then I realized that now that I was aware of my reality it was the time for changing it ... and so I have been trying to improve :) and you know??? it does improve over time but you always gotta have an idea of how it sounds on the outside... it's kind of like the catharsis of the whole process.... It can really bring you down, but it is necessary and is the only real way to improve ...... as Jaime said, now you are your own teacher, and don't be a shity ass teacher like the kind that thinks that his students just suck.... be the kind of teacher that Jaime has proved to be :).....

BEST of wishes for you my friend :D

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

thanks again. I also do tried that cuping the ear thing and actually I think I sound better in the cup then I do in my head. It also helps keep me on pitch and really listen in. Are you sure this is what others hear on the outside?

Re: I just listened to myself singing...


Like your explanation! As far as a crutch??? Yeah it probably is, but I find myself using that crutch too ;)


Re: I just listened to myself singing...

I don't care if it's a crutch. I use it -all- the time in choir. If I'm starting to push for volume, I do it to remind myself of how loud I'm already being. If I'm aiming for a high note, I do it to make sure I hit it fully. If I'm not sure I'm on pitch, I do it to double check.

It's a great trick.

Jlk. Of course it's not what people hear. It's the closest you'll ever get to it though without big$ recording equipment :D. You can never hear exactly what everyone else will be hearing because you'll still have the 'head echos', which they wont.

Re: I just listened to myself singing...

I redid the song the next day. I guess my dad had the sound equipment set up wrong and very low so I could barely hear myself. I sounded a lot better, I guess the pitch something was changed so now I know why I sounded so different. lol kind of funny but yeah glad I tried again the next day.