Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Go to Youtube and type in "Veil of Phasmids." The only thing that will come up will be the Arab Jam. HOWEVER, you'll see to the side where it says "posted by: toolard83" Toolard83 will appear in blue letters. Click on that and it will instantly bring up the new vids.

JAIME, there's a special message for you at the beginning of both.

JORDAN, the camera is a little steadier this time.

COBBY, you're the love of my life.

We did "Rooster" by Alice in Chains and "Hurt" by NIN.

Lemme apologize for 2 things.

A) 2 of my screams fell a little flat in "Rooster." Hopefully they're not TOO bad, though. I'm not making any excuses for myself but it IS a hard song to sing. (Ya know, for someone who can't break glass with their voice;)

B) My voice sounds a little muffled at points.

Other than that, everything came out pretty well. I hope you all enjoy!

P.S. Again, feel free to give any criticism!

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Just curious if anyone else feels this way...Toward the end of "Hurt" I added a little bit of grit. Personally, I think my voice sounds like Gavin Rosdale of Bush in the video. I'm not trying to. It's just the way it came out. Did anybody ELSE hear that, too?

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Here's rooster Brandon...

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

and here is hurt...

if you want to post them on here in the future instead of all of us going to youtube, just copy the "embed" html that is next to the video and post it in your message

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Jordan, you're a life saver! What did ya think of the videos? You can be honest. I KNOW I flubbed on a couple things;)

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

i just finished listening to them both... i hadn't actually listened to them yet when i posted them here, but...

I could tell when you went flat on rooster, going flat is always bad, if even just a little, but it happens to the best of us at times... It actually seemed like you let the sound drop down in the throaght a little bit or "under the pencil" cause i know you know what i mean... the two times you went flat.

the grit you added in both songs sounded really good.

Ooooh, i almost forgot, the oooooohhhs at the begginning and end of rooster were excellent! Very nicely done.

I didn't like how you did the opening of the chorus to hurt... you know the part before it goes higher... i'm not sure why though, just didn't. and you did sound like rosdale at the end as well, you have similar timbre to him overall, which i think is more why you sound like him than anything.

a lot of times it's really hard to do other people songs, because of reasons i talked to you about before but you seemed to do a pretty good job with both the songs.

it's really interesting to hear you sing, because you're influences are totally different than mine, and our timbres a very different, but we both have that "rock" sound to our voices... i don't know how to really explain it though... anyway, i can definetely tell that you are technically profecient in your singing, and do some things better than i do, which pisses me off because i struggle with them and i haven't been working on my voice worth a damn for the last month an a half, but on the other side there are things that i can do with mine that you probably struggle with as well, so there. lol. Its nice to see someone else who is dedicated to sounding good in their own way, and kick some major ass with rock music.

anyway, i would also like to say that you are quite possibly the most apt with your instrument in that band. and i'll stop there because i dont want to offend you by dissing your fellow band mates.

As i said last time, anxious to hear some originals completed from you guys. peace.

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

No offense taken. And thank you for your in depth opinions.

As far as my being the most proficient musician, I honestly don't know. I can play a little bass, and Josh is letting me fiddle with the drum kit every now and then, but Danny is QUITE an awesome guitarist. He's got those guitar solos down to an art form. He specializes in metal and blues as far as solos, but you also heard that he's really good at improvising with Middle Eastern scales as well.

Danny's got a real ear for music, and knows scales pretty well, but I think I'm a little more theory knowledgable than he is. I like to implement a lot of weird variations of chords, which is great b/c Danny keeps telling me that HE is learning so much from ME! I tire easily of the same shit over and over again. As much as I love Rooster and Hurt, I could've never written those songs b/c there's not enough complexity to them.

Which brings me to my next point...It might be a short while before you hear much original stuff from us b/c I'm a perfectionist and I take AMPLE time with my originals!

Again, thanx for the advice AND praise. I hope to hear more in the near future;)

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

yay... more vidclips from Brandon... and whadaya know, they're SMOKE FREE

My general comment on the vids, (mind you Im not qualified to comment, but just my personal view as an amature spectator), I think you should concentrate on your singing rather than playing guitar. Not that your guitar playing is bad, but I think it does effect your focus on your vocal singing.

One problem I see/listen is that I cant hear clearly your singing. Maybe your playing guitar effect your concentration on "throwing your voice" out. I think the vocal projection is not enough. Your singing seemed drowned by the music, which I think is unfortunate as you have nice voice.

Just being honest from your Voice Connection resident fan . And thanks again for sharing your videos.


Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Wow!!!..I thought your singing would be the only thing to ruin this classic...but....

The bass player cant play...simple line and he blew it

Tell the drummer to take that kit back to Wal-mart if he can find the box it came in and get his money back

And the guitar player looks like Quinten Tarintino met bette midler and forgot how to turn his volume up

and as for are flat 60% of the song,very weak,very fake...and very self unassured..thanks to the master COBB...want some honest advice??? Quit.
All in the name of truth(and you know it) COBBY

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

People that don't have anything smart say to should not be allowed posting. Cobby; get a life please!

Anyway Brandon, that's a good effort and it does take some guts to post your video up on Youtube for every one to see. I raise my hat to you for doing so.

I think the reason why you are flat especially in the lower register, is that you need more breath support. Especially in Hurt where you sound a little unconfident. Accentuating the consonants more might give you a little more support naturally. Keep up the good work!

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

QUOTE "Anyway Brandon, that's a good effort and it does take some guts to post your video up on Youtube for every one to see. I raise my hat to you for doing so."

Yes, takes lots of guts. And I think Brandon takes critisms positively and really want to improve. I like the way he handled comments on SMOKING in his previous video with a "CLEAR" messege in the beginning of each of these videos. Kudos.

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Not going to comment on your voice anymore Brandon...Until you prove to me that you haven't smoked for 3 months!


PS- You used to be funny. What happened? With a voice like yours, you shouldn't hold yourself in such high regard

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Whoops, the PS was intended for COBB.


Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Well said Jaime. Posters like him just take the fun away from sharing a music experience online. Again Brandon, don't let him get to you! I enjoyed listening to your videos

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

2 words oiselle, and pregnant. nuff said...Im out like Brandons weak voice. COBB

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

seriously.... at least you used to be funny, now you're just lame

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

"Barefoot and pregnant"? I don't see anything wrong with neither of those things. If you're still trying to to hurt someone's feeling, it's not working. Hopefully must of us are stronger than that. I feel sad for you though; your life must be quite miserable. But just like you said, "nuff said". I'm not gonna waist anymore of my energy responding to your words. They will come back at you on their own at some other time. You can have the last word if you reply to my post again, but if I were you, I would save it rather than dig my hole further down.

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Good job, Brandon! "Rooster" is a difficult song to sing right, and while it wasn't perfect, I've heard much worse from a lot of decent cover bands, so keep at it. Beautiful falsetto at the beginning of that, by the way. "Hurt" was also a good job. To me you sound a little like Gavin from Bush and the guy from Theory of a Dead Man. Not bad company to be in!

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Thanks for all the lovely replies, everyone! I'm sorry it has taken me this long to get back to you all.

First off, I know that neither the volume nor my voice were perfect for these videos, but I wanted to give you an idea of what my voice sounded like when I was singing something OTHER than crazy Middle Eastern scales.

And to everyone who's defending me from Cobby's comments, I love my Cobby!

.....Besides, do you REALLY think I could be all that offended by a guy that William Hung could legitimately make fun of? ;)

Anyways, back on topic...Jaime, I understand your reasons behind the comment you left. I'll say this much...I haven't quit yet, but I've cut back significantly. The day that I'm COMPLETELY done with smoking, I'll post a bulletin saying "Remember This Day." That way I can put a video up in 3 months from then for you to comment on.

Again, folks, thanks for the wonderful compliments and critiques. I probably won't be putting too many videos online for a short while (maybe one more, just something silly I did) due to the fact that we're really starting to crack down and get to work on some original material.

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

You have a great positive attitude Brandon; good on you!

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

Brandon, some friendly advice: It's much easier to quit with Nicotine Lozenges, especially if they have mint. If you're a major smoker, get the 4mg ones. Forget patches, they only get rid of the need for nicotine, not the overall desire to smoke. Of course, nothing works if the person doesn't want to quit but I see that you do, as I did. Lozenges seriously help tremendously, I went from smoking 25-30g of tobacco a day (40-50 cigs, the way I rolled them) down to 5-6 a day in 2 weeks, then down to one or two per couple of days by the end of the month and then totally smoke free and nicotine free between the second and third month. That was 2 years ago now and I've never felt the need or desire to smoke since. Do not fall into the "I'm stronger than that, desire alone is enough to make me quit" trap, it is but it's so much easier and painless with the help of nicotine supplements.

Re: 2 more Youtube videos...SMOKE FREE!!! :)

You have a very nice voice Brandon. I know people with much bigger heads that can't do nearly as good as that. If I had any qualms, it was with the shoddy tuning of the drums...Those toms are awful. I liked Rooster a lot!