Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Screaming and shouting!!!

Here is a cool clip of Eric Adams screaming his brains out at a Manowar concert. Thoughts on technique?

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

The doctors went too far with his circumcision at birth?

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

God. Damn. That crowd sounds like Hitler's Third Reich!

Seriously though, as far as the screaming goes, his mic is clearly (uh, so to speak) distorted. The gain on it is cranked, and it is probably also compressed so that the signal response ratio is flat. Anyone can scream on a mic like that. Have you ever been to karaoke??!

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Actually, the effect I can hear in this recording is him clipping the microphone, one harmonic of his voice dominating all others. I've had that before with my own SM58. The gain doesn't have to be cranked up, you resonate as loudly as you can and if the mic is too close to the mouth, it might f*ck up and pick up a pretty pure tone.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Actually, he worked on developing a scream that sounds like nobody else's, so I'm certain that the harmonics, especially on his high notes, are not enhanced. If you listen to their live version of "Gates of Valhalla" he holds a 20 second high E and you can actually hear the resonance change a little bit about half way through the note.

Also, here you can see that his high notes have that same "two pitch" type of resonance:

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

I didn't say anything about them being enhanced. They are just too bloody loud! :-)

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

"Too loud?" No such thing! :) At least not for Manowar. They're in the Guiness book of world records for being the loudest band in the land.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Yeah but I know for a fact that Nitro was actually tested to be way louder than Manowar by an engineering firm. But, they had to get Guiness out to confirm it and the band ended up breaking up before they were verified by Guinness. Never heard of Manowar blowing up tons of wineglasses every night on the bars in every club they played;)

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Well then, I think the solution is that Jim needs to round up Mike and the boys and pick a date to have a scream off/thrash off against Manowar with all the necessary sound equipment and Guiness people present. They could charge admission for that, and I'm sure we'd all probably try to be there to see it.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

I can't stand really loud music.

Just make good music, and the rest will fall into place.

*falls off his soap box and lands on Cobb's face*

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

He is a very good singer. As far as the 2 voices, I think the other "voice" is the feedback from the guitar or some other effect he has on his voice.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Jaime Vendera wrote:

"Never heard of Manowar blowing up tons of wineglasses every night on the bars in every club they played;)"

Yeah, Manowar never blew up wineglasses, they just blew people's minds with quality musicianship. Which is better? And I never heard of Nitro releasing ten awesome albums or selling millions worldwide while touring relentlessly for over 25 years or having the most fanatically devoted fanbase of any band EVER.

Don't talk shit on Manowar, dude. That's sacred ground.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

First of all, Manowar are a great band undoubtedly. 2nd, you better look at who owns this website...ME. So don't try to talk shit here to me!!!

Jaime Vendera

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Let me add that this is MY sacred ground so watch your mouth!


Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

And last but not least, did I say anything about Manowar being a bad band??? No, so what are you bitchin about??? Better hope Cobb don't read this, cuz I'm the nice one ;)


Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Nitro are still a zillion times
And Eric has nothing on Jim :P

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Eric Adams is a fantastic singer. That wasn't the point. The point is-Don't EVER disrespect me on my site!!!


Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Now I feel guilty for starting this topic because it has gotten ugly. IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Don't feel guilty. It's not ugly and I am not mad a Son of Odin. Simply stating to not run your mouth to me on my board unless it is truly deserved. I CAN take criticism, but I won't listen to someone who doesn't feel I have the right to state a simple fact.


Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Yeah, well Manowar fans are known to be a little...radical.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Well if radical means stupid, then you are correct..If you spell manowar backwards it says
Rawonam, and that translates to polesmoker in swedish.
Dont belive they are a bunch of shemales? Look at this...

Manowar sucks. Jp sucks. Everyone reading this sucks...except for Cobbywobby...and he rules the universe.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

I dont know about shemales...but they look pretty good to me, I wouldnt mind showing them how I could use my vocal pipes...:) The REAL Pram Maven

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Once again, not me. May the imposter be stabbed or made fun of.

Oh, why not both.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

You know what, I think there must be a several people on here impersonating you. It's gotta be driving you nuts. I'm not even going to pay attention anymore to comments.


Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

I love Manowar they are fucking mighty. But I don't think their musicianship is of that high a standard. Eric Adams is a great singer though.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

"Rawonam, and that translates to polesmoker in swedish."

Totally, we go around saying that ALL the time here in sweden

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Jaime Vendera wrote:

"And last but not least, did I say anything about Manowar being a bad band??? No, so what are you bitchin about???"

True, you didn't say that MANOWAR is a bad band, but you implied that they are inferior to NITRO because they didn't shatter wine glasses every night onstage. For someone whose career centers around music you sure are misguided. What makes a band great - overuse of fast solos and high-pitched wails or good songcraft?

NITRO was a band that basically tried to take everything to the extreme. Fastest guitar playing ever and highestlowest vocals ever. But that's not what makes a great album. Sure, "OFR" is really cool to listen to a few times to see how far a group of people can go with guitar speed and vocal acrobatics, but the songs are weak. They lack creativity and seem to be written for the sole intention of showing off the singer's range or the guitarist's soloing ability. MANOWAR, on the other hand, write great songs. Much attention is paid to riffs, song structure, lyrics, mood, and unforgettable hooks. MANOWAR does not put in super crazy solos or absurd high notes just anywhere, instead they use them sparingly, when the song calls for them, the way it should be. High screams or blazing guitar solos lose their effect when they are used too often. "OFR" ends up sounding ridiculous about 1/3 of the way through the record because you realize that the band has a very obvious formula and that there are no more surprises in store for the listener. There's really no incentive to listen to the cd more than once or twice; the songs themselves certainly aren't good, they simply exist to showcase the talent of the guitarist and singer. That's not what music is about. MANOWAR's music is moving and awe-inspiring metal, not simply a footnote like NITRO's. I can listen to MANOWAR albums again and again because the songs spur me on and make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. To sum it up, NITRO was cool for what they were, but they were poor songwriters, and songwriting is what counts. MANOWAR are excellent songwriters who've been producing great music since 1981 and continue to this day without slowing down at all. Anyone who thinks NITRO is better than MANOWAR has no idea what music is really about.

And no, I didn't disrespect you, Jaime. I said nothing slanderous about you. The fact is, you disrespected yourself when you tried to insinuate that MANOWAR are inferior to NITRO because they didn't use a shitty gimmick like shattering wineglasses onstage every night. MANOWAR's not about gimmicks, they play great music. And I can tell that you know I'm right, seeing as how you got so defensive and had to post 3 replies to show how much of a big tough man you are. It's easy to sound tough on the internet, boss.

Oh, and one more thing, if you don't like it when someone posts something that contradicts your views, DON'T PUT A FUCKING MESSAGEBOARD ON YOUR PAGE! Zing!

-Son of Odin

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Snap! You got me! You are so bad and cool. Man you really know your music and you are so witty. I guess I should shut down the message board now, because it looks like you figured me out. Maybe you should take over, great knower of music. I hope I can figure it all out like you someday, like you did. Thank you for putting my life into perpective. I can sleep better now and quit this website and try to do what you do. Your the man. I'm just a guy who has helped thousands of singers. Looks like you got me beat.


Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

HAHAHAHA! Shocking stuff

I cant believe how much hes dissing Nitro and Jaime.... I have probably listened to OFR about 60 times in the last 2 months... and to say its not good songwriting is a load of balls....I will admit the guitar solos are a bit OTT, and im not really that keen on Michael as a player, but the whole songwriting is FULL of hooks....its one of the catchiest albums ever...
Also, jaime never 'implied' that Manowar were inferior to Nitro, someone said about how Manowar had the guiness world record for being the loudest band, and jaime said that Nitro were actually louder and were going to beat that record...but split up. and thats where the 'you dont see manowar blowing up glasses evernight' came from. Because if you seen the mythbusters show with the glass breaking, they had to use a piece of wood with a small hole in to cover a PA speaker, so that the intensity of the soundwaves was wouldnt break before they used the small hole idea, even with a really really loud PA for Jim to break glass in nightclubs without this aid, and with the glasses being so far away from the speakers, then they must have been 'incredibly' loud....

Jaime never said anything about musicianship or songwriting...

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

I'll just say that i'm a fan of both Nitro and Manowar. Nitro does tend to over use a lot of stuff, but it's still good music; just takes getting used to. As far as Manowar not using gimmicks like Nitro? Although I like Manowar quite a bit, I would rather see Gillette shattering glass and Angelo playing insanely fast than a bunch of guys dressed as Nitro do. I'm pretty sure Manowar had a bigger gimmick in terms of their looks and "loudest band in the world" than Nitro did with the glass shattering. It's all subjective though. No point in fighting over who is a better band. If anything,a good discussion would be who is a better singer, although its also subjective. I'd say Gillette wins in terms of creatively using his voice and having a bigger range, and Adams wins for being a bit more tasteful and having a tone I like better.

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

High screams or blazing guitar solos lose their effect when they are used too often.

That's why you should stop enjoying emo. Now. Keep on with the wrist cutting though, no one's fighting you on that

Re: Screaming and shouting!!!

Ok, I am probably the proudest of metal bretheren but you got me laughing at this one mate.

"MANOWAR's not about gimmicks"