Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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Hey Guys,
I finally got up the nerve to post a clip of me singing. This is the last chorus of a song called "Architectural Martyr" off of my last band's CD. We were called Infinity Minus One and we were based out of Boston. The kelw thing is that the drummer was the best one in the band and Im in a band with him now. :)
Anywho, in the last line of this, the last chorus, I decided to borrow from opera. I get pissed that they always say only opera singers are the rela deal so I figured I'd put a coloratura run in the song that starts on F#4, (if I recall correctly), and goes up to G5 which I sustain for two beats, all adagio legato notes on one breath. Hehe! I luv to stick it to the classical snobs even though I do love opera singing.
Let me know what you think. Be gentle. LOL!

Yours In Music,
Denis J. Lanza
Metal Tenor Vocalist

Re: Propera

I meant to call the thread ProGpera. Me and my shitty typing. :(


Re: Propera

Duh! I forgot that the web space is unger the other email addy. So the URL should be:

Sorry bout that. :(


Re: Propera

Nice song! You've got a great voice, man!

Only I'll warn you--most opera snobs wont see it as you sticking it to them, since you don't sound remotely operatic on that riff ;). The reply you'll get is, "Sure you can scream out a G5, but can you hit it or anything below it with a full, rich sound and make it carry to the back of a crowded theater?"

If you want to stick it to them, you have to do what they're actually doing, but do it better .

I'm not commenting on your vocal skill--I think you're amazing. I'm just warning you of the reply you'll probably get . To me there's no 'right' or 'best' way of singing since it's all subjective.

Re: Propera

Fu$%ing nice!!!

I loved it!

Re: Propera

Oh I know it doesnt sound operatic nor should it. I did it to fit the song stylistically. But it is still a nice bit of vocal gymnastics and a very traditional type of coloratura run that I lifted really from Handel's Messiah - the tenor aria in there. Is it "every valley shall be exhalted"?? Cant remember but the dude does a nasty ass triplet run like that.

Anywho, thanks for your very kind and supportive comments regarding my vocal abilities. I actually tihnk i was better then than I am now though. Isnt that fucke dup dude? LOL!


Re: Propera

Awesome stuff man! You got a real unique tone going on, it's very thick and smooth sounding.

Question though...are your vocals running through an auto-tuner or some other effects thing? They sound sort of...I dunno... chopped up or something??
Not trying to dis you or anything...just curious!

Re: Propera

RX, thanks fro the kind words and compliments regarding my voice. I am proud to have my own sound as I strive to sound like no one else but me. So that's kewl that you said that.
In terms of the effects thing, I really dont know. Our keyboardist was really into all that technicals tuff. So, I sang my vocal tracks until we got some really good takes and then he did whateevr with them. I guess added effects and put takes together or whatever but Im really nto sure. I am not into recording at all. I mean just the singing part. Great question though. ;)


Re: Propera

Ok, cool...if auto-tuning is what's going on there, you should make sure no one auto-tunes your vocals in the future, you definitely don't need it! It would be like giving Lance Armstrong training wheels.

I had another question I would love for you answer...what technique were you using at the time? In other words, I know you're into SLS, so were you doing SLS at the time, and if so, had you been doing it for a while?

I'm interested because I think it's cool to see if a singer's training method will actually reflect a great deal in their tone. When I heard your clip it really did sound to me like you were using an SLS sort of kind of had that chesty thick upper range that I always think of when I think of SLS. But if you weren't using SLS, I guess I've got my foot in my mouth.

Re: Propera

Very perceptive RX! ;) Yes, I had already been working with SLS for 1 year and soem change and was workign with retired professional operatic soprano, Badiene Magaziner who, in addition to being a certified SLS Instructor has a Masters Degree from Julliard. She is awesome AND a very kewl person. I had to stop going to her cuz the money was getting tough. See, if Im going all the way to NYC for a lesson which is 2 hours each way commute, then I want to do an hour long lesson. But that costs $150! So its ruff. Plus, she was kinda tryin to pressure me to sing real opera cuz she said that I have the voice for it - to be an amazing operatic tenor. But thats just not my thing. Dotn get me wrong - I HIGHLY respect opera singers! I enjoy listneing to their craft and skill. But I just dont wanna sing it myself.
As far as the auto tuner, I know Kevin did have an Antares Unit so he may have put it on there. And the comparison with Lance Armstrong bro? Wow, am I blown away. :=) I would think more like Tony Harnell, James LaBrie and huys liek that deserve that comparison, certainly not me. But, hey, I will sure as hell take it and eat it up. LOL! Talk to ya latah.


Re: Propera

Dude, that run was quite cool. :)

Re: Propera

Very cool Denis,

Kinda Rik Emmet Geddy Lee. Awesome;)


Re: Propera

Wow, Jaime. Thanks for the compliment. It means a shitload to me for real! :) But, I fele like I oculdnt sing that same song now if I tried. I have my voice in knots these days cuz I think I'm so preoccupied with this full voice thing and getting more power in my upper range that Iv elost touch with what I always did well. Does that make any sense? Like when I listen to that song, I liek ym voice and I think I sound pretty damn full on the upper range but I have myself convinced I need more. I think i need ot pull back and sort of reassess. Like DT says: "Let's pick up the pieces, go back to square one. I think it's time for a change." Maybe I need to go back to go forward?? Anyone have any thoughts on that? Thanks everyone. I luv this place and all my "teachers" on here. :)


Re: Propera

There was nothing wrong with the way you sang on that song. Find that point again and be who you are!


Re: Propera

I think I need to go back to go forward. In other words, I want to keep rogressing as a singer. I mean, when I met James LaBrie it made such an impact on me that he said that he'd never stop trainign and progressing with his voice. Once you stop trying to improve, you stand still, go stale, its not what I believe in.
BUT, I do think that sometimes one needs to find their way back to a place that felt right to them when they were on the path and then go from there. I think that makes sense. I feel so Kung Fu. LOL!
Do you think there's any validity to what Im saying? Im feelign kinda lost vocally lately so not much is making sense to me. :(


Re: Propera

Sounds real good bro. Nice Job....

Shoot me your email address when you can-

here's mine--

I wanted to talk about some vocal stuff--

I also took lessons from Sebastian Bach

Re: Re: Propera



****???? please explain...

Re: Propera


Re: Propera

I was responding to the recording.

Its d*mn good. This site just bleeped out the "swear".

Re: Propera

yeah I know, Denis good job man!! sounds cool az

Re: Propera

Cool, very YES sounding. Harnell and Labrie would approve;)

Re: Propera

Awesome vocals Denis!
Reminds me of no one I can think of lol Which is a very good thing... very unique sounding voice.
Keep up the good work