Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Confused and frustrated


I've been meaning to improve my voice for the past few years and it's just been a crazy struggle. I've seen 3 teachers so far and none of them have proved to help me much at all. I still consider myself to be a beginner and there's still a burning passion inside of me to improve my vocal skills.

I even quit my job a few months ago so that I could have more time to practice and figure this crazy beast out.

After doing a fair amount of research, I stumbled upon SLS and have just started seeing a level 1 certified SLS teacher. I know it has only been the beginning, but already I'm having trouble simply getting into my mixed voice. My teacher suggests it's because of bad habits taught by previous teachers in that my natural instinct is to pull up chest voice as I go higher. But anyway....

After reading such positive feedback of RYV, I have considered buying this book. But I guess my question is, is it something that can work alongside SLS? Is it a technique that works in a different direction compared to SLS? What is the difference between SLS and RYV?



Re: Confused and frustrated

Man what works for you. Im kind had and having the sake problem like you. I studyed Sls. Helping me alot to feel the connection in my mix.

But i think about to much crap when i sing. And i should not couse it screws me up. RYV Jaime from what talked to him is a great guy. Alot of info in the book. It really is the same thing in a way. Becasue the zipping of the vocal cords.

Which is very very very inportant. Just jaime RYV is more for hard rock singing. But with Ryv you can singing anything you want. Look they all make your vioce stronger.

I use both. Sls scales. but Jamies way of breathing and lifting the soft pallet. Oh and the siren love that thing. Somtimes i think i really am i siren with all that buzzing. But anything you can sing in mixed you can sing full if you want to.

JUst nothing should be forced. I met a guy yesterday at gutiar center about 18 years old. And he talked very breathy. I asked what does he play he said i sing. I asked what you sing he said grindcore.

IM like ok. It is effortless. He said i think i messed up my vocal cords. I asked why. Well he's vocals feel raw. And somtimes he coughs up blood.

Seems he have a record deal with some label and
they asked a emt to check him out if he is fit to tour. And he had polops a busted one i think.

So study easy and carfully to strain should feel like there is no pain nothing.

HOpe that helped

Re: Confused and frustrated

Get RYV man! I've had similar struggles as you have...bad habits, I kept pulling my chest voice and I sounded horrible. I got RYV a few months ago, and it's awesome. I tried SLS techniques, and they never worked for me, I could NEVER get into my head voice using SLS. After like a week or two of RYV, I can pop right into head voice easily, and as of right now I'm almost able to get through my bridge flawlessly.

I'm no expert, but I think the differences between SLS and RYV is that RYV really boils it down to 3 different exercises. SLS has all sorts of Gugs, Mas, Mees, Ayes, and stuff to get through your bridge, and while that might work for some people, none of them ever worked for me.

Conclusion: Get RYV. It's great....but it takes practice. I've practiced at least a few hours a day, but it's been worth it. Trust me, I'm about 100 times better than I was before RYV. It's well worth the price....which by the way is very low for all the info that you get.

Re: Confused and frustrated

Thanks for the compliments guys ;) I am a very good friend with Brett Manning who teaches along the style of SLS. The true difference is that my approach is more power based. i don't really sing in a mixed tone, I use full voice, full out. But there are timnes when I am tired that I will use a mix, sometimes even falsetto. The cool thing is that I have an exercise that is rarely used by other methods, that will allow you to transcend from flasetto to mixed to full voice, enabling you to vary your tone quality. You need to find a teachedr that works for you, and find a method that fits right with youi. Bottom line...Technique is technique, if you are doing something wrong, you'll feel it in the throat...That's when you know you are on the wrong path my friend. Good luck with your choice.


Re: Confused and frustrated

Well I did speech level for awhile and it just wasn't working for my style, I gained a lot of falsetto but it just wasn't giving me any power, and I was getting tired of the excersizes and didn't feel like it was doing a whole lot. RYV covers a lot of stuff! and I find the excersizes are way more effective and you really see yourself improve.

I guess it could depend on the person but SLS wasn't too effective for me.

Either way I suggest any vocalist that's even a little serious to check RYV out.

Re: Confused and frustrated

Wow thanks for the quick responses you guys are awesome

So just to make sure, and I know Spektor mentioned it already, but what are your opinions of studying both SLS and RYV at the same time? Would it be of more benefit to stick to one system?

Re: Confused and frustrated

Well I guess SLS really helped me get a seamless bridge (through all my breaking points) so it might also do the same for you and RYV will give you a lot of power and range. I'm sure you'd be okay doing both but just don't over work your voice. Mix up excersizes from both and try and figure out which ones are the most effective for you.

Re: Confused and frustrated

Both systems will help you smooth out your break and both will help you gain in range. I know many singers who use both programs. Brett's system is cool because it takes you through different levels of exercises, and even stylistic exercises. The cool thing about RYV is that, although on the Members section I give you vocal scales, the book is actually based on 3 simple exercises that can be performed anytime, anywhere, to give you range, quality, and power. The Members section also has instructional videos to walk you through the system.


Re: Confused and frustrated

Ok, thanks again for the advise guys! Well I've ordered RYV and can't wait to take this next step in my vocal journey
