Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Re: Me singing on YouTube

I'm coming from a background without support in music.
I'm listening a lot to, for example my favorite diva, Mariah Carey, i don't care about her high whistle notes it's more her fluidness in song that I aim/wish to have too.
My video, I give the song 5/10 stars because I feel that it's decent but I got a lot too work with, often times i feel my voice is fixed in a position when i sing, i want it more, not only relaxed, but more full-sounding/rich. I also want it more piercing, like a knife.
I got a small vocal nodule which i've had for some years now, i don't think it will grow any bigger but i got it through pushing to much air through my vocal cords.

I like singing a lot, but it's so difficult to find a place to practise and sing 'cause i live in an apartment with wooden walls, so my neighbours may be disturbed by me... so it's not like i practise transcending tone at home...

I did actually sing a little better some years ago, but then i stopped for awhile (1-2 years) because i was getting depressed (ill).

I wonder what I can do to continue growing in song? What style do I sing in? Voice classification? And so on...

I did some exercises jumping up and down to find a spot in my voice where the song can flow more freely, it is actually a spot very high in the nasal part where i psyhically jumped to find, lol. All notes starts from above, and not from below.
I have also tried rolling my tounge up in the mouth and backwards, to help find the right tounge muscles for singing, as I can see all is and should be connected when singing.

I'm 22 years old, do I look younger?

Re: Me singing on YouTube


I like singing a lot, but it's so difficult to find a place to practise and sing 'cause i live in an apartment with wooden walls, so my neighbours may be disturbed by me... so it's not like i practise transcending tone at home...

I've been in that situation. If you are doing a loud transcending tone do it with your mouth closed. I would recommend this for anyone just starting out. I find with the mouth closed it gives a greater surface area for resonance. Giving you an easier time trying to find that focal point to which your resonance is strongest and most fluid.

Also remember the transcending tone isn't about becoming louder. It's about getting the crisp and thick tone. Such as going from a breathy soft tone to a strong thick tone but remaining at relatively the same volume.


I wonder what I can do to continue growing in song? What style do I sing in? Voice classification? And so on...

I'm not an expert but you sound more baritone.


I have also tried rolling my tounge up in the mouth and backwards, to help find the right tounge muscles for singing, as I can see all is and should be connected when singing.

I'm 22 years old, do I look younger?

I'm not entirely sure if your referring to the tongue push-ups or if you were moving your tongue to find the best place to sing. If the latter; your tongue should be in a neutral position with the tongue resting behind the front lower teeth. Of course the tongue will not always be in this position as you need to move it to sing words but it should in most cases be relative to this position(for clean normal singing).

From watching your video I see a few things.

- You raise your shoulders slightly when inhaling which would suggest to me that you are either tensing up for the next verse your about to sing or you are using your core/power push.

- You probably notice your voice starts to quiver when you go higher in the notes. Breathing with your core muscles will help a lot with this

As for singing that song, try singing it lightly and do plenty of lip bubbles and exercises through your passaggio. The song sounds like it is near the top end of your chest voice.

Well hope this helps!

Re: Me singing on YouTube

John King,

thank you for your respond.
I don't have good support even though i realize i need to better in that, for the voice to function properly and to get the flow going.
You might be correct, propably there is some mix between chest and head voice in the highest notes but I do push a lot chest to get it more full. I find it difficult to get a full-sounding tone in head, even though i can access that register quite easily, it's still difficult to sing in an ongoing process in it, if you know what i mean.

Regarding tounge placement, i'm not an expert and I don't know what the different schools say, but the best for me is to have it bended up a bit (back and up), all the time, like if you sing an "e", and go on that for the voice to place itself higher, as it is high you want to go, that's what you should aim for, 'cause the tone is produced from a high place and not a low.
I have done a lot of practise with swirling the tounge back and up in the mouth and start to tone things, I can get a lot of power that way through pushing the note with the tounge. Even though that's just practise for me, not something i would do when i record or if i'd sing live.

Re: Me singing on YouTube

I've done a new song (original) i sing it slow-paced and breathy all the way through except in the very end of it.

Does this singing "work"? Is it listenable?

LYRICS: "don't bother by the ghosts anymore anymore nono
i took time with you with you oh
now let us glare into that star for awhile mmoh woho
don't bother by these ghosts anymore anymore nonono nono
i took time with you mmhoho woho
now let us glare into that star a while oh"

I give it 4/10 stars. :D

Re: Me singing on YouTube

Hello again,
i've recently started working on a psychedelic pop-project with a producer.
This song might quailify to the project, what do you think of it? It's decent, but what I want input on what could be changed. I'm using just a pianoloop with one chord, so... :)
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