Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Re: PTD-1

That thing sounds incredible....does it really work??
Are you the only address to purchase??

Re: PTD-1

Yes, I am currently the only place the PTD-1 is available.
Jaime used to have it at, but I think they decided to mainly focus on Digital/Information rather than physical products for the site.

Yes, it most definitely works - IF - you will use it. This is the key factor.... if you don't think you will use it, don't buy it. But if you want to make a major change in your breath support and be able to hold notes out for long periods of time, then by all means - go for it.
Admittedly, it can be a little uncomfortable to use at first because you are training yourself to breathe correctly, and using muscles that most people don't even know exist. We pick up bad breathing habits as we grow up, and this helps you get rid of them, and replace them with better breathing habits.
I've had a few people who work on the phone in call centers, insurance, help desk positions, and sales buy the PTD-1 and every single one of them told me that prior to using this - their voices were trashed before their shift was over, but once they began using the PTD-1, they no longer experienced that. Generally, people that work on the phones speak with an under-energized voice, and too much breath - so what happens is they end up with windburned vocal cords; the exact same thing takes place when you are whispering all the time, or trying to scream and sing by pushing too much air.

Re: PTD-1

I still haven't figured out how we're supposed to use this,i mean,i cant understand what i'm seeing in that picture on that website haha,please,if you another picture,upload it

Re: PTD-1


You put it in your mouth and breathe in and out through it. It restricts the flow of air in and out, which forces you to use the internal muscles that you use for correct breath support while singing. The outcome is those muscles get stronger as you get used to holding your floating ribs open for longer periods of times while holding down your diaphragm.

Within 30 seconds of using it you will be able to tell the difference.

Re: PTD-1

I've got Two on hold, and after that I've got Five left!

And I believe that is going to be it.
I've got some stuff I am working on, and when I weighed the time and money invested in messing with them - it hasn't really been worth it.

And in the "News of the Weird" category:

Evidently I've got somebody ripping me a new anus on Harmony Central forums, but as far as I know it isn't anybody who has ever contacted me, he knows nothing about me, but he's chosen to target me because I don't have a store online where he can look at the PTD-1?

What kind of retarded logic is that? I haven't even been selling them! That kind of logic makes as much sense as being ****** off at Ronnie James Dio because he died of cancer before you got to see him in concert.

I haven't even had a store online since December of 2009! Before that I had an online store that virtually nobody went to, and Jaime even had them available at RockSource360 for probably a year - I don't know how long he had them online. I think maybe one or two people ordered them through his site; and that was it over the course of like the last 14 months, and then nothing after that. The last one that was sold was over a year ago through

After that, I didn't bother with them. I moved up around Pittsburgh in March of 2010 and went through training to become a Certified Hypnotherapist (a Hypnotist). Which was to go with my also being a certified Reiki Master, and my training as a Massage Therapist. I'm into all kinds of "New Age" (I hate that term,) Alternative/spiritual healing techniques.

But I figured if this guy wants to, he can send me $250, and I'll register a domain name just for him, rent hosting for a month, and I will personally build him his own private 1 page internet store so he can buy one of the last Five that I've got! LOL
I can even put a password on it so nobody else can get in - it will be his own private store. LOL

How come it is always people who don't even know you who choose to try to start crap with you? At least he could be courteous enough to badmouth me on a site that I actually belong to so that I could "defend my honor" directly to him. So if I want to respond to this guy (I'm guessing he is a teenaged boy based on the logic used, and according to what has allegedly been said.) I actually have to go join the forum he is on.
Is it actually worth it? Hardly.

One of the guys who bought a PTD-1 took it upon himself to act as a go-between and I told him to just ignore it and let the mental midget rant, because in the grand scheme of things I really don't care, but it is just kind of annoying, because I normally go out of my way to help people. That is the one downside about the Internet - it gives every cyber-bully a soapbox to rant and rave from.

It is too bad that Internet Access doesn't require IQ verification and a Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Test! If you're stupid or a mean-spirited jerk, you don't get Internet access. And for the record I am a proud INTJ with a slightly higher than average IQ.

But anyway, if anyone is interested in any of these, send me an E-mail because once these are gone - it's probably going to be at least six months before I even mess with them again, if I even do.

I may just call the PTD-1 a failed experiment, and be done with it. It's a great idea, the training program is solid, but in all honesty it looks like most people just weren't interested in it, or perhaps people just thought it was a gimmick. I don't know. All I can say is, the device and program work - ask anybody who bought it and uses it.

Of course, the guy who is bashing me wouldn't have bought one even if they were $5 - he just wants to complain about something, and for the moment, it is me. As far as I know, I've never talked to him - or maybe it is a her? I hadn't considered that, I just took for granted it was a guy, but whatever - I am important enough to this person that they actually continue to post about me online.

Hey wait a minute, THAT TOTALLY ROCKS!!

Sorry this was so long-winded, I can be that way at times.


Re: PTD-1

I bought one from you Tim but apparently I have lost it

But it was a very neat little device. What is the current price?

Re: PTD-1

They are $65.

Re: PTD-1

What the heck is a PTD-1? It sounds interesting.

Re: PTD-1

It is a Breath Training Device that is sort of like "weightlifting for your lungs". It helps you gain control of the muscles that you use for breathing. If you use it on daily basis, you can increase the amount of time that you can hold your breath and sustain notes. it also increases the strength of your notes, so they are more solid sounding.


Re: PTD-1

Oh wow! That sounds really useful! Do you still sell them?

Re: PTD-1


Until these last 5 are gone, I will have them for sale.

Contact me via if you are interested.


Re: PTD-1 is back online and the PTD-1 is now available via the website.

Re: PTD-1

What in the world is that,i can't figure that picture out,how do you use it?lol

Re: PTD-1

What in the world is that,i can't figure that picture out,how do you use it?lol

It is part of a breath training program. Think of it as weightlifting for your lungs. It allows you to speed up your breath training. It works the Intercostal muscles and helps you train holding down your diaphragm.
At the peak of my breath training I was chasing Jim Gillette - and I was able to hold out notes for over 45 seconds; a friend of mine went WAY over the top with it and he could hold out notes for over 60 seconds.

So, if you want to speed up your breath training time and increase your breath support, this is the way to go.

Jaime has had one for a few years and he loves it and uses it on a regular basis.


Re: PTD-1

that thing sounds absolutely bloody awesome :)
where exactly can I buy it? or is it currently not available? (hopefully not)
