Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Re: How to make high register sound less nasally?

First off, I think you kick major butt Derick. I always enjoy your videos and your guitar playing is just excellent.

Practice can certainly take you wherever you want to go. I suggest you keep doing what you are doing. You seem to have an abundance of natural talent. Just keep studying and everything will just click one day.

One tip that's paying off for me is the book against the belly. It reminds me of everything I need to do without me having to think of a hundred different things. When I practice now I just push a book sideways into my stomach and the resistance, which is mild, sort of like the blowing out the candles analogy, helps me to support low and early as opposed to what I was doing which only causing me to work too hard for high notes. I was pushing down too late. It felt like the note had to travel from the cords to the diaphragm, back up to the cords and on up to the pallet and out. That's a lot of work. I find it's also helping my pitch and my vibrato quite a bit as well.

Thanks David! You made my day with your very kind words. I cant wait to get home and try that book against the belly trick. You are spot on with that long note travel thingy. Thats how I feel during challenging sections of a song.



Re: How to make high register sound less nasally?

I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you Derick. I must have misunderstood what you were asking.

Re: How to make high register sound less nasally?

Pinching the nose help. Start with an exaggerated sound than move our focus to the back of your head until the tone doesn't change anymore when your pinch your nostrils. Imagine the your voice is going to the mask traveling from the back of your skull to the front of your face as opposed to using a frontal sensation only. That will help expanding your resonance chamber.

Re: How to make high register sound less nasally?

Pinching the nose help. Start with an exaggerated sound than move our focus to the back of your head until the tone doesn't change anymore when your pinch your nostrils. Imagine the your voice is going to the mask traveling from the back of your skull to the front of your face as opposed to using a frontal sensation only. That will help expanding your resonance chamber.

Thanks Val! Well described:)

Re: How to make high register sound less nasally?

I'll add something to that too. Yes, singing should be easy. But as you train some things will be difficult or feel unnatural until you develop the correct muscle memory. But it is different than weight lifting since as you ascend the scale you drop the weight.

Re: How to make high register sound less nasally?

I'll add something to that too. Yes, singing should be easy. But as you train some things will be difficult or feel unnatural until you develop the correct muscle memory. But it is different than weight lifting since as you ascend the scale you drop the weight.

"But it is different than weight lifting since as you ascend the scale you drop the weight" I love this!