Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

So, why don't you quit singing with grit, and practice with RYV and UBW for a few months. Then come back to singing with Grit. I sing with grit, a lot of times, and the only time I ever experienced any tickling feeling was when I was doing a Deathmetal or Grindcore type of vocal fry.... you know, the kind that sounds like Barney Greenway from Napalm Death - I can do it, but it tickles, so I rarely do it for very long.

Learn to sing cleanly - correctly - before you start trying to add in grit. That way you have a solid foundation to add the grit to.


Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

Have you been listeningg to the audio example?
I kinda feel it between the palate and throat. Maybe you could give me advice on where exactly i should feel it?
Do you think that irritation may be caused by bad hydration or smoking?
Thx for posting.

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

Have you been listeningg to the audio example?
I kinda feel it between the palate and throat. Maybe you could give me advice on where exactly i should feel it?
Do you think that irritation may be caused by bad hydration or smoking?
Thx for posting.
Of course I listened to it. That is why I said you sound like a rock singer. I have no idea why your throat might be irritated. I don't sing with grit almost ever. Why don't you try upping your hydration and stop smoking and see if that is what it is? I just wanted to make sure you read about it in the book because it certainly explains how to do it and feel it properly. This might be a question for Jamie himself to answer. He teaches rock singers a lot, so I'm sure he has some insight. Whether you are using the right technique or not, I think is sounds cool. LOL!

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

and how do I contact Jamie?
any more suggestions anyone?

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE



I think we aply , very simmilliar technique, I have a few tipps to handle that, Ill post you a Video this weekend ok???

Think I can help you

I allready knew it when I heard your audio file , that you must do it similiar way haha

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

So you know what's wrong? I'm looking forward for the video - can't wait :)

Must add it only hurts on the middle voice, the low and the ultra high notes are kinda hurtless :)

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

Train only or short periods of time when using that. The voice must get used to those sounds, it should never hurt. I use exactly the same setting as you, i solved à similar problem by only using distortion when it felt good.
Then the voice learns that its not dangerous.

Day one you might be able to do 2 -3 screams without tickle, after à month if you taken it Easy you Will have in increased the the time ul be able to use it alot

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

You and everyone on this board should check out Jen's Vocal Dominance course. It'll help you do exactly what you are describing.

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

ok, good laugh, but are you serious?

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

ok, good laugh, but are you serious?
Yeah, just practice imitating aggressive birds and grizzly bears. LOL! hahaahhah! That really is Jens and his friend (the guy playing Mr. Glasses) and even though the video is a joke, they can really scream and sing metal like no body's business. They trained really hard using RYV and other methods.

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

Haha you dug up that ild **** :p

À rocktenor improv, i think out voices sound quite similar :p

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

yeah, I think so too!
How did you learn to sing like that?
All from RYV?
Can you tell me some techniques of gritting? In all vocal range, lows and highs?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

completevocaltechnique,ryv, ss, speechlvlsinging, and loads others ive tried most :P

Re: Tickling when grit + SOUND EXAMPLE

Ok so i already stated in previous post, that i have a little tickling problem when i sing with grit, maybe i do it wrong so here's the sound example:

Feel free to comment on the technique of grit. Maybe it's tickling because i'm kinda heavy smoker :)

Thanks for all posts!

Man, you sound a total rocker! LOL! Have you read all of the RYV book? Are you making sure that you are adding that grit/fry in the soft pallet instead of the down in the throat? In my experience a tickling feeling means something is getting irritated. I can't do that stuff you do at all without hurting or irritating my throat.