Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Vocal breaks / Upper Range

First of all, I'm new here so hello to everyone!

After 6 weeks of RYV practice, I have a question, which is the one I think every "baritone-born" singer who wants to sing hard rock / metal tenor stuff have.
So when I practice the Transcending Tone exercice, from C4 to B4, I experience what is call in RYV a "switch of gears", my voice clearly goes from falsetto to full voice, I feel something changing with my vocal folds. But after B4, I can't feel the "switch of gears" the same way, there's nothing obvious, and I think my vocal folds are simply not able to do anything but stay in falsetto (or a too light mixed-voice, I don't know how to differentiate it, anyway I can't feel the switch of gears).
I'm quite confused because in RYV, vocal break ("switching gears") is said to happen near E4, but for me it seems to happen at A4/B4. I'm wondering if I do something wrong, if I'm "pulling chest" and if I have to use a little less air and volume so the break occurs lower. Or am I simply an alien?!
The problem for me is that I'm able to sing in full voice songs below A4, start straining maintening full voice around A4, and then when I go upwards I break into a too light sound.
So continuing working on RYV exercices, to make them really efficient, I wonder if I should change something to lower my break-point, or continue them the same way and how they will strenghten my too light voice past A4/B4?
thank you!

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

What you are experiencing is very normal. All males have fewer "gears" above the male high C (C5). You CAN do some gear shifting that high, it's just not as apparent (to many people). But just listen to all the great high pitch singers and note that the sound thins out very, very gradually as the pitch increases and notes above C5 will never have QUITE the amount of thickness as notes below C5. In CVT terms this would be explained by the C5 limit of the vocal mode "overdrive". Cheers.

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

thank you for your answer
I assume it's normal to have such "fewer breaks", but my main problem is not that I want to hit ultra high pitches, it's that I don't feel any break around E4 as it is supposed to be, but this break seems to occur around A4. Below A4 I have a full voice, around A4 I begin straining if I want to keep this full voice, and above A4 it suddently turns into a falsetto or a too weak mixed voice. What makes me confuse is that according to RYV and other books, this is supposed to be the 2nd break, which is supposed to occur around E4, not around A4. So I don't know how to handle it and if I do something wrong like putting too much air or volume.

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range


I believe that maybe you are thinking too much about where the "breaks" are supposed to be. The reality is, that the "breaks" in the voice can happen anywhere in your range - both involuentarily or voluentarily.

It would help a lot if you could post a clip of the "break" you experience around A4.

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

In fact, if I was sure I'm not doing the exercices a wrong way and so I will be able to strenghten my upper range within several months, I didn't think so much about this break position and simply did the exercice without thinking. I don't know if I will be able to post a clip, but the thing is, doing RYV transcending tone exercice, in the C4 to A4 or sometimes B4 range I clearly feel in my vocal folds a switch from falsetto to a full voice "strong" mechanism, but above A4 or B4 I don't feel that switch anymore and my voice tends to me lighter, seems like my vocal folds don't have the ability to do anything else but falsetto.
The same thing occurs with the Siren Exercice, i'm able to do the siren in full voice from start to end in the C4 to A4 range, but above A4 my voice flips into a lighter mechanism.

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

Same thing - perfectly normal. Actually, you CAN keep that incredibly thick sound in a siren all the way up to C5, but most singers makes some switch before that (usually somewhere between E4 and A4), even very powerful ones.

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

thank you for the answer
So if it is normal, di you think all I have to do is to carry on practicing the exercices, hoping that with practice my light mechanism above the A4/B4 break will strenghten so the gap will be less obvious (in RYV illustration, maybe currently above A4/B4 I sing with a mixed voice close to falsetto and with practice this mixed voice will come closer to full voice???)

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

Your break can be different then what described in the book. Don't worry about that. To be able to switch gears properly, you must create the right vocal path for the voice (and resonance) to travel in the mask by tilting the larynx so that it can pull the vocal cords properly. This is done by dropping the jaw correctly as in the yawn sensation. You also need the right amount of air pressure sent by your diaphragm.

It is difficult to say what exactly you are doing that is coming in the way of successfully completing this exercise. If you need some guidance, I'd be happy to help you in a one-on-one lesson to get you started. Here's my profile:
Good luck!


Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

Working on RYV main 3 exercices + Reinforced Falsetto, I'm now able to smoothen a little bit that "break" and my upper range begins to strenghten a little bit, but now I experience an new problem. 2 weeks ago I was able to reach G5/G#5 in falsetto, now I can only reach a F5. Are there some exercice to counter-balance that?

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

May be you're not as relaxed? Let the voice be the guide and go where it wants to resonate! I will come back again!

Re: Vocal breaks / Upper Range

that's weird, I don't think I'm not as relaxed as 2 weeks ago. Maybe am I more tired, I don't know.