Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Re: Support-Confusion

For Bridging the Passagio. Begin sliding upward, try starting at A4, or you may want to go a bit lower, like D3.
Keep your voice Full, it is okay if you break, just don't flip into falsetto. When you slide up and break, go as high as you can in full voice, and then slide back down. Do this slowly, and just keep working back and forth across the break. I personally would start with an E vowel, and then move to other vowels once you get to the point where you get over the break with the E vowel.
You may have an easier time starting above and going lower first, once you establish where your break is.

When you figure out where your break is, then begin using the Isolation method to isolate those notes and strengthen that area of your range.

Also, I would pick something other than Ozzy to sing, as well. LOL Find something that has more singing, because sometimes Ozzy tends to "chant on pitch" as opposed to actual singing, and I would look for something that has more sustained lines to work with.

The reason for keeping the ribs expanded, is to take in as much air as possible, and help keep it from being forced out. When the ribs collapse, and the diaphragm rises - it forces the lungs to collapse and push the air out.


Re: Support-Confusion

Too much is like not enough. If you're pushing too much then you might end up squeezing your vocal cords and that might explain why you don't feel vocally free. As you ascend the scale, more pressure is required and that should occur naturally without having to give it an extra pus assuming that you are already doing it correctly. Same for the ribs. If you try to expand them on top of what is already naturally occurring, then you might be applying too much effort into it creating stress.

Watch my video on supporting the voice to learn how to do it correctly. Hope that helps. If you need extra guidance, contact me at

Re: Support-Confusion

Thank you so much for your reply that certainly is going to help!!! Maybe it it might help you to watch my videos I´ve posted above (use earphones), maybe you can find out if I´m pushing too hard. I am using the two belt technique so I make sure that I keep my ribs expanded and support correctly but maybe you hear more than I feel ;))


Re: Support-Confusion

Thanks a lot for the link Oiselle - that video is very helpful. I am realizing that I have a tendency to push way too hard to try and hit the higher notes in my range. This is going to help me start backing off the pressure a bit (and probably improve endurance as well).

Re: Support-Confusion

Thank you for your reply, I tried your exercise (cool one) for bridging the passaggio today but something strange happened, something strange but also predictable (because I know my voice). As I got higher I started to add more and more pharyngeal resonance!!! I know that I can´t bridge the passagio when adding to much pharyngeal resonance, how much pharyngeal resonance should I use when trying to bridge beyond my breaking point.....or shouldn´t I add pharyneal resonance at all. That would be quite difficult for me because I am used to add it when reaching the end of my lower register....well I know confusing ;)

Oh yeah I know that ozzy isn´t a number one road model for vocalists but I love his voice and I love his music. I love his use of vowels and his great sense of pitch, even when he sounds off pitch, he still sounds in pitch.....does that make any sense???
Further I love it when he sings and suddenly pulls his chest voice a lot higher. But I try to avoid his sometimes heavy straining by using more resonance and better support and avoid his sometimes heavy chest pulling by using more pharyngeal resonance. But don´t worry ozzy is not the only vocal influence and certainly not the only music I sing :))
ah yeah thank you for helping me with my "ribs" confusion ;))


Re: Support-Confusion


Actually, they sound sharp, not flat. Be very careful with your intonation, especially when singing Ozzy-style stuff, he tends to sustain notes with no vibrato or anything, making any deviations extremely obvious.