Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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the Siren

Hey guys,

I've got some problems with the siren exercise...the thing is I don't know if i'm doin it right...when I do the siren I can go up to an A4 but it's extremly loud and i don't know if i'm pulling my chest.
I'm baritone and my range is from A1 to G5 with a breakpoint at around E4 anf F4...well i can hit this G5 in a very strong falsetto...but not in full voice...I just get to this A4 and it feels kinda straining my voice and extremly loud almost like shouting.

So, I hope somebody can help me with this.

Thanks guys
Keep on rockin'!!!

Re: the Siren

I have a similar problem to yours dude...its just a matter of discovering the correct technique, which will take some time...hopefully someone replies with a good explanation

Re: the Siren

I've had some difficulties with this as well. When I started on the siren I would try to keep that same big sound from start to finish and that is what threw me off. Because in thinking "big" I was pulling chest and straining. Yes it should be a powerful sound but I've found to begin it's better to keep it lighter and make sure that you go slooow as you feel the cords zipping up when you ascend. It's helped me to do the falsetto octave slides to just get a feel for the sliding up. Your voice will gain power as you work it correctly.

Re: the Siren

Melanie is right on. I was having the same problem. I started "dropping" the "weight" and allowing my voice to go lighter as I got to and above my break and I stopped pulling chest. Dropping the weight doesn't mean you necessarily flip into falsetto though. Eventually your lighter voice will sound more powerful and you will get used to the sensation of vocalizing and singing above your chestvoice. It feels a little strange at first, but you will be amazed at how effortless it is once you get it. It almost seems, it can't really be this easy can it? LOL!

Re: the Siren

Well, thank you guys...
another little it normal that there's no break when I stay in full voice?? because when I do the Siren, I have no problems with a break...

rock on!

Re: the Siren

I really don't notice much of a break myself unless I start out wrong. As long as you aren't just going so quickly that you skip the break you should be fine. Make sure you can go through the break area extremely slow and controlled.

Re: the Siren

Thank you, Melanie ;)