Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

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Re: Limited falsetto range?

Reaching a C6 in falsetto is not limited at all!

As you increase the pitch of your voice, falsetto and full voice get closer to each other. That might not be the best way to describe it but let me try and explain further:

Around say a C4, falsetto and full voice are very different in terms of muscle use and glottis position. This is because falsetto requires less muscle use than full voice. If you do a TT exercise on C4 and swell it to full voice, you will hear a massive difference than if you swell it to a reinforced falsetto sound.

If you do this exact same thing higher up, say on a C5, the sounds (full voice and reinforced falsetto) will be much more similar. This is because as you go up the scale, less muscles need to be used to produce the sound you are after. With this said, you will at one point reach a point where the difference in muscles will become minute or even identical and will sound the same.

Hope this helps (If I am wrong, someone feel free to correct me, but this is what I am led to believe).

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Yeah HuskyHarris, I experience similar things to you. its all one voice! whatever song your singing will dictate the type of sound you need, whether thats a soft sound, a hard sound, or a strained sound, or a floaty sound etc.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Oh, my mind is clear on that mechanism of how the cords work, thanks to jaime! but thank u guys on clearing that up! but the problem is that i think my falsetto range is very limited! i m happy with the sound i m making but in terms of falsetto i want to know if it is very limited or not! but since husky said it is not limited at all, i m encouraged! i mean if someone sing that high in falsetto voice i can't hit like that with light voice n i hear myself singing in fullvoice bcoz i can't sing in falsetto! that's why i felt my falsetto range is limited! i means how high u guys can hit in that light airy falsetto voice? i can't hit in that airy light pure falsetto voice, light voice, passed through C6!

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Personally, my entire range stops at Eb5 consistently. On good days I can hit an F5 and once or twice I can achieve a G or Ab5 but that's luck. I need to learn how to get higher really.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

I go up to around Eb5/E5 in falsetto but I only started using the basic falsetto slide a few days ago so I'm working on adding more notes :)

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Oh right! Today i can't hit C6 in falsetto or full voice! But guys thanks again!

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Man, that's a huge falsetto. At least to me; mine only goes to a G above tenor C and even then it is a strain. I don't mean to be a downer, but falsetto is very limited compared to full voice. Full voice can amass a very grand range where falsetto is limited to only about 2 octaves or so. If you cap out at Soprano C, that's normally it for falsetto. With full voice the sky is the limit.

Remember full voice consists of: chest, mix, head and whistle. Use falsetto as a tool in your arsenal but don't rely on it. That is what RYV is made for full voice POWAH! If you can hit C6 in falsetto, you will be able to hit it in full voice.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Whistle Will never be fullvoice in My opinion ;) and most metalsingers Lean on the falsetto function above E5 falsetto add twang and compression. But this is all down to what you count as fullvoice.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

I can see why you wouldn't consider it full voice. It's thinner and very weak. I want to add my two cents as to why you should. If we compare chest, head, "super" head (head2). There is a noticeable change in tone quality when going from chest to head, a gap even. Same with head to head2. The voice gets thinner with less tone as the folds zip up. Keep in mind that whistle is only (to my knowledge) produced by the true folds. Whistle is thinner than chest more so then head and head2.

It is just the natural progression of the voice. I have heard some wickedly developed whistle. My ex had a loud, full and powerful whistle that would melt your face.

in my opinion there should be know line drawn between full voice and whistle.

Your thoughts, Jens?

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Well now we are into terminology. When i hear the term fullvoice i Think about à tone with similar quality as speech. Whistle high and the higher part of" fullvoice" e5 and upwards almost never get such qualities.

Ive heard both Guys and girls do facemelter whistles and ive got à pretty decent one myself although it's not superloud. My strenght is more in head and head2 if you would describe it.
but My point is really, the Voice is made up by diffrent coordinations whistle is not head or head 2, whistle is whistle. Why group it all together and call it fullvoice?

Re: Limited falsetto range?

To differentiate it from falsetto, I assume? It's only terminology...It's all one voice, really.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Yes its all one Voice. But whistle is not fullvoice its à diffrent coordination... You need to make à change around sopranos c.

you have one body but theres à reason you do pushups with your arms instead of your legs.

To entré whistle you need à high ammount of flageolett tension on your folds, That tension or coordination wont be there on lower notes. In whistlevoice there is no thickening of the folds as in fullvoice, no ta muscle active.

But sure its all terminology but i think its important That you know the diffrence for instance in My country fullvoice is basicly the Word for chestvoice. Good luck chesting That f7

Re: Limited falsetto range?

I've been doing squats with my arms this whole time and now you tell me they are push ups?!?!

I think about what you've said.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Hehe yeah well when i wanted to explore whistle at first i just worked" zipping"and lighten but it didnt work. Not until i learned the right ammount of flageolett tension i was able to explore the E6 and above. Flageolett tension starts for makes just above C5 and is needed if you want to take the Voice higher.
Around soprano C the flageolett tension Needs to become very extreme, thats alo why some of the metalsingers high screams almost sounds like whistlenotes.

Re: Limited falsetto range?

If that's true, that makes a lot of sense as to why I start to feel tension around D5...Maybe I need to start practicing whistle again..

Re: Limited falsetto range?

Yeah your probably not used to the flageolet or has found the right coordination. But whistle is not the thing you should practice to get above the C5 area remember whistle is flageolet at the extreme. À hooty falsetto has alot easyer to activate thE flageolet then fullvoice. thats why jaime wants us to train the falsettoslide to get the Voice used to the flageolet so you can apply the sensation to fuller sounds.
Sofus of this forum had à really good exercisen for flageolet tension ask him if he can post it NeXT time he,s on. I cant share any clips fr.o.m. My iPad Else i had posted