Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Re: The Range Place :S

after reading the forum quite a bit, it seems like there's far too much talking. personally to me "full voice or falsetto" means crap all. i care about the sound. does it sound good? yes or no. i don't understand how someone can hear something and think "that sounds good....wait a minute it's actually falsetto! now i don't like it anymore!"

Re: The Range Place :S

EXACTLY my opinion. To top it off, what makes these guys so great that they can identify these really high notes as being one or the other or the really low ones being "legit" or fry. If there is so much deliberation about these things, it clearly means nothing.

What an elitist community...

Re: The Range Place :S

Thanks for sharing the link though :p was interesting to see

Re: The Range Place :S

Doug Skene
EXACTLY my opinion. To top it off, what makes these guys so great that they can identify these really high notes as being one or the other or the really low ones being "legit" or fry. If there is so much deliberation about these things, it clearly means nothing.

What an elitist community...

I heard that much more important factor to evaluate voice projection is hearing the singers without microphone, a projected falsetto can be heard much more from afar than a badly projected full voice, the microphone tricks everything.
I also heard that true difference between head voice and falsetto is that falsetto is airy, head voice can be seen as a form of falsetto, as it throw off much weight of the vocal folds, aka less of them contribute to vibration, especially is the starting fach is that of a bass. So head voice has cord closure, while airy falsetto can be used as a light, softer variation of head.

Another difference may be that falsetto has no contribution at all from the body of the folds to the vibration, the body of the fold is what is called chest consonance, not to be confused with the use of resonance via the vocal tract (everything including tongue position and mouth shape, above the folds), while head voice users manage to keep it a bare minimum to achieve a full yet somehow "feminine"(depending on the character you give it) sound.
Liric countertenors are good example of how to privilege a good, nice and controlled sound on high notes, connected with low completely full notes, they sing baroque castrato parts without the aid of microphone to project them!
Most of them lies in the baritone/bass-baritone voice.
Metal rock singer like Geoff Tate, probably high baritone, probably use a tecnique which is a close relative to that used by countertenors.

Re: The Range Place :S

And I thought we were fixated :D That thing makes my head spin....

Re: The Range Place :S

I'm one of the members of the forum, and I have to say that you all are giving pretty ******* harsh views on us.

First off, we are only counting what sounds full to us and what doesn't. It seems to be a common misconception that we DON'T care about sounding good but instead judge everything by pitches. That isn't true, because we are definitely most interested about notes that sound GOOD.

Jowox is our friend, our inspiration and one of the members of the forum. Few members of the forum have been making certain jokes about him (and his inaccurate vocal videos), but jowox rocks nonethless, he even has his own appreciation thread (which you can't see before logging in though).

Phil, like I said before, we prefer good sounding notes. If you look at David Lee Roth's thread, there are tons of jokes about his range, simply because his top notes are short, yelped and don't sound good. I'd take great falsetto note over bad full voice note anyday, same is with most of the forum members. I also love singers with smaller ranges, somebody like Richard Ashcroft is a really good singer, even without over 3 octave vocal range.

Doug, elitist community? Are you really serious? I mean, we have users called Tomato and Pineapple in our forum. We also take almost everything with humour, not to mention dissing other elitistic videos, sites and persons. If you go through almost any newer thread with many posts, you will notice that they are filled with all kinds of humour.

I'm okay with everyone stating their own opinion about the forum, but I really don't like seeing all these assumptions about us. We are normal people who are interested in singing, vocalists and music in general, I don't see anything elitistic about us. I hope I'm not coming across as an aggressive person, I just want to clear all the confusion and rumours about us.

Re: The Range Place :S

Well, that was eight months ago.

Re: The Range Place :S

Hi Timitzi and welcome!

Personally I don't read frequently Range Place but it's a good site to find new singers.

I also like the range videos you and Jowox create. They are interesting and entertaining.

Re: The Range Place :S

I used to frequent the place, but hearing the exact same conversations over and over by the same five or six guys got a little boring. Here is the gist of it:

Conversation 1:

Singer X is a high baritone.

Are you sure he's a high baritone? Sounds like a low tenor to me.

Nah definitely a high baritone.

Nah, you are mistaken, low tenor. You can tell by how full his C5 sounds. Definitely a low tenor.

High baritone, did you hear how deep his voice sounds in that interview clip.

This can go on for pages and pages. LOL!

Conversation number 2

Singer X has a range of G2 to C5 (the C5 is in falsetto).

You sure that C5 is falsetto? Sounds full to me.

Nah, definitely falsetto.

Definitely not falsetto, you can tell by the rough edges of the note that it's full voice.

On and on and on this goes.

It is their site. They can talk about whatever they want. Most of those cats are really nice guys,but I do find it irritating that they are these self-proclaimed pedagogues that don't have any real training , yet wish to correct those who do have the training and experience. Listen to them sing.

If you just read what they say for entertainment and don't take it to heart, it is pretty funny.

Timitzi is a really nice guy, btw.

Re: The Range Place :S

What does it bring me as a singer to read people discussing the fact that X sings C5 in falsetto or full voice or Y is a low tenor or a high baritone?

Re: The Range Place :S

Timitzi, nothing personal to you, mate. I read the forum all the time. I just find it extremely irritating that people are arguing over such minute differences all the time when a lot of the differences are felt changes in the voice. It also seems strange that some of the head people over there seem to create their own definitions for head voice and deny connected high notes as commonly falsetto when clearly it's head tones. The definition of head voice seems so vague on the site as well.

I also enjoy picking out notes and finding ranges of singers but I think that therangeplace does it in a very closed minded and pigheaded fashion especially the primary moderator of the site who agrees and disagrees with notes and vocal fachs for pages on end like Ben posted above here.

Re: The Range Place :S

No offense taken! I personally love discussing singers like that but I know what you all mean. Me and many others have started to post some more diverse posts (and not just that same "x hits y note"), mostly because I love discussing singers in general, not just their notes. I also take it as an approach to learn new stuff, I've found listening to as many singer as possible a fantastic way to improve my singer (and I think I've improved SO much in three years).

Were you a registered user, Ben? If so, who were you? I'm just interested because there were couple of great guys who stopped posting at some point. But yes, you said it well: TRP should be taken with humour and interests in music and singing, not with too serious attitude. That's why some of us are throwing jokes everywhere all the time (especially Tomato).

I'm venturing off-topic now but are Jaime Vendera's training methods good? He seems like a **** impressive vocalist from what I've heard by him (not just those whistle notes) and I was definitely going to try his vocal program at some point.

Re: The Range Place :S

You seem like a decent dude. I will probably join up at therangeplace now if the mindset has become more humorous and relaxed.

Send me an email Timitzi to

Re: The Range Place :S

No offense taken! I personally love discussing singers like that but I know what you all mean. Me and many others have started to post some more diverse posts (and not just that same "x hits y note"), mostly because I love discussing singers in general, not just their notes. I also take it as an approach to learn new stuff, I've found listening to as many singer as possible a fantastic way to improve my singer (and I think I've improved SO much in three years).

Were you a registered user, Ben? If so, who were you? I'm just interested because there were couple of great guys who stopped posting at some point. But yes, you said it well: TRP should be taken with humour and interests in music and singing, not with too serious attitude. That's why some of us are throwing jokes everywhere all the time (especially Tomato).

I'm venturing off-topic now but are Jaime Vendera's training methods good? He seems like a **** impressive vocalist from what I've heard by him (not just those whistle notes) and I was definitely going to try his vocal program at some point.
Yeah man, my username over there is benbonewilly. I still read the forum from time to time. I just don't have anything to add that would change you guy's minds about anything. LOL! I do enjoy it, but the board gets quite repetitive, so I'm not so keen on visiting and posting anymore. Timitzi, how are you posting on here if you haven't purchased Jamie's Raise Your Voice book? There is a password required to access this site. It is for people who have purchased the book. Maybe you have and just haven't started using it yet.

Re: The Range Place :S

No offense taken! I personally love discussing singers like that but I know what you all mean. Me and many others have started to post some more diverse posts (and not just that same "x hits y note"), mostly because I love discussing singers in general, not just their notes. I also take it as an approach to learn new stuff, I've found listening to as many singer as possible a fantastic way to improve my singer (and I think I've improved SO much in three years).

Were you a registered user, Ben? If so, who were you? I'm just interested because there were couple of great guys who stopped posting at some point. But yes, you said it well: TRP should be taken with humour and interests in music and singing, not with too serious attitude. That's why some of us are throwing jokes everywhere all the time (especially Tomato).

I'm venturing off-topic now but are Jaime Vendera's training methods good? He seems like a **** impressive vocalist from what I've heard by him (not just those whistle notes) and I was definitely going to try his vocal program at some point.

Yeah man, my username over there is benbonewilly. I still read the forum from time to time. I just don't have anything to add that would change you guy's minds about anything. LOL! I do enjoy it, but the board gets quite repetitive, so I'm not so keen on visiting and posting anymore. Timitzi, how are you posting on here if you haven't purchased Jamie's Raise Your Voice book? There is a password required to access this site. It is for people who have purchased the book. Maybe you have and just haven't started using it yet.

Oh, it was you!

I do have the book, but I haven't had time to read it yet, that's why I asked.

You described it pretty well, TRP does teach some fabulous things too. There are good and bad sides of it, like you said.

Re: The Range Place :S

No offense taken! I personally love discussing singers like that but I know what you all mean. Me and many others have started to post some more diverse posts (and not just that same "x hits y note"), mostly because I love discussing singers in general, not just their notes. I also take it as an approach to learn new stuff, I've found listening to as many singer as possible a fantastic way to improve my singer (and I think I've improved SO much in three years).

Were you a registered user, Ben? If so, who were you? I'm just interested because there were couple of great guys who stopped posting at some point. But yes, you said it well: TRP should be taken with humour and interests in music and singing, not with too serious attitude. That's why some of us are throwing jokes everywhere all the time (especially Tomato).

I'm venturing off-topic now but are Jaime Vendera's training methods good? He seems like a **** impressive vocalist from what I've heard by him (not just those whistle notes) and I was definitely going to try his vocal program at some point.

Yeah man, my username over there is benbonewilly. I still read the forum from time to time. I just don't have anything to add that would change you guy's minds about anything. LOL! I do enjoy it, but the board gets quite repetitive, so I'm not so keen on visiting and posting anymore. Timitzi, how are you posting on here if you haven't purchased Jamie's Raise Your Voice book? There is a password required to access this site. It is for people who have purchased the book. Maybe you have and just haven't started using it yet.

Oh, it was you!

I do have the book, but I haven't had time to read it yet, that's why I asked.

You described it pretty well, TRP does teach some fabulous things too. There are good and bad sides of it, like you said.
I think that the RYV isolation exercises are the best I've found for saving time strengthening my voice and increasing vocal flexibility. It applies to any style. I think of it as compendium of proper vocal advice and am still constantly referring to it over two years after I first read it. The only problem with RYV is that there is no video guidance. You have to kind of read and reread sections over and over to get stuff that could be easily explained in a video (I believe they are on the way!). I use other methods as well. I really like Seth Rigg's version of speech level singing. I honestly don't have time to train my voice for hours a day. Doing about 30 minutes total of RYV vocal exercising and Singing for the Stars exercises has gotten me exactly where I wanted to be as a singer for a LONG long time. I spend the rest of my time singing a LOT!

Re: The Range Place :S

there are videos of the RYV exercices in the private section of!

Re: The Range Place :S

there are videos of the RYV exercices in the private section of!
I am well aware of those videos. That is not what I'm talking about, my friend. I'm talking about videos of Jamie demonstrating every single example and concept in the book on video, himself.

Re: The Range Place :S

What does it bring me as a singer to read people discussing the fact that X sings C5 in falsetto or full voice or Y is a low tenor or a high baritone?
A lot of what they talk about is for entertainment and not necessarily to teach people how to sing. It's just guys that love discussing vocal fache, range, and singers that they love. I don't think that they claim to teach voice or anything. If you are curious about your favorite singer's vocal range/vocal type, then it is cool to check out. For instance, I like to sing Chris Isaak songs and I find it pretty easy to sing along with him. I looked him up on the Range Place and found out that he is a natural baritone with a range very close to mine. That is why I can do that so easily. Steve Perry on the other hand.........LOL! Well He's a tenor. There is no way I'll ever sound like him even if I train to hit the high notes I'll probably sound more like Axel Rose.