Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I was curious. RYV is a great program. I think Jamie's isolation method is brilliant. I agree that his program is too expensive. I have a real problem with paying 100 dollars or more for a dvd.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

ken tamplin's thing certainly interests me because like he said "if you like how i sing, i'll show you how to do it" that's what i want to see. i'm sick of vocal coaches where you can never see how good they are. i agree wtih ken on how you can never find a vocal coach sing songs anywhere! why not? it should be mandatory.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Phil, I agree. If the methods are awesome then they should work for the person preaching/teaching them right? I think 100 dollars is an outrageous amount of money to charge for a DVD.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I think it's more than 100 bucks. I think he wants you to buy like a whole he's got Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3... and the total for all was like... 700 bucks or something

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I think the first one is around 100 dollars and each one pretty much doubles in price after that. I think there are three.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I checked it and it is divided into three stages, first around 100 bucks and it it goes up to around 150, but you can buy them together for 300, but that's freaking crazy

So I'm wondering if it is really that amazing if he charges that much

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I don´t understand this vocal coaches attitude of not showing how good they are either. I mean, when you see a guitar teacher on the web he´ll show you his amazing hyper-fast chops: Michael Angelo Batio, Rusty Cooley, Troy Stetina, and that alone sells hundreds of copies, even if you buy them and then don´t practice at home!

That video of Brett Manning it´s not shameful just because of Manning´s singing, but because you don´t see him that much singing regularly. If you would, you should be able to say: oh man! that was a really bad day for him and that´s all!, but you don´t.

I think it´s a good marketing strategy to show your habilities, why vocal coaches rely on showing their clients and super ranges and don´t sing one freaking song? I don´t know!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I think Ken Tamplin is an amazing singer. Haven't checked out his program but I am sure it's good. Vocal coaching is a totally different animal than teaching guitar. It doesn't bother me that coaches don't post tons of songs of them singing. I sing when I teach, like singing back to James Labrie when we've worked together and he's quite happy I do;)

People have bugged the crap out of me to write and release stuff. working on it and doing the singing thing for the workshops;) In fact, I've recently sang 4 songs for a very well-known band and I have now been asked to meet with them. Will I tour? Ya never know;) I have no dreams to be a rock star, I just love teaching, but if I am supposed to tour I will. You will all know how it unfolds in 2011;)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

It bothers me because the proof of how good a teacher is should extend to his personal abilities. If his method doesn't even work for him then why should he be trusted to teach others? Granted, not every great singer is a great teacher, but every great singing teacher should be a great singer. Just like how not every great guitar player is a great teacher. How hard is it to get out a webcam and sing some samples to some backing tracks and post on youtube? It takes 10 minutes or less. That is just my opinion of it of course. I'm not saying that it makes a teacher a bad teacher. I just think some credentials beyond naming the famous people that took a lesson with them is a good thing.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I agree with this but there are some things to be aware of. I am a professional guitar teacher..lots of people know of me etc. I am usually demonstrating shred/technical technique and most of my students have come to me specifically for that. Playing "good music" doesn't have to do with being lightning fast and clean so while some instructors for vocal may not have it all together with style, phrasing or pitch... they may be able to provide very good technique stuff for advancing your vocal range and stamina perhaps. I do think it is helpful to show vocal demonstrations though.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I don't know much about Ken Tamplin but the price of his products is completely outrageous and raises a red flag for me. He also spams the musician section on CraigsList which I think is very annoying and not very professional. I think it's a good idea to post examples of yourself singing if you want to teach but being a fantastic singer doesn't necessarily make you a good pedagogue.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

"I don't know much about Ken Tamplin"
You probably should have stopped there

I can tell you that I DO know much about Ken's work as I have been training with all 3 stages. the results I've received in the past few months are better than results I've gotten from the past couple YEARS of training in every other method.

Also, it is not YOU who decides what his knowledge is worth, it is HIM. He is allowed to price his knowledge at whatever he wants despite what you decide is "outrageous". You talk about his actions as annoying and lack of professionalism and raising red flags. well you're posts raise red flags to me oiselle.

"being a fantastic singer doesn't necessarily make you a good pedagogue" you seem of imply here that since he can sing well, that must mean he can't teach good, although I know you won't admit that.

don't get threatened just because new competition came along, you vocal coaches are ridiculous the way you shut down each others methods. also, ken is one of the few vocal teachers who actually has decades of experience IN the music industry.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Yeah, gotta agree with Phil there. I've been using Ken's program as well, and the results have been awesome. In just 2 weeks, I gained 6 additional notes to my voice.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Woah! Relax Phil! I never said Ken Tamplin wasn't a good pedagogue. What I said is that it doesn't necessarily go hand in hand together. For example, just because someone knows how to read, it doesn't mean that he/she can teach children how to read well. On the other hand, I wouldn't take lessons from someone who cannot sing very well either although they might help in other ways like judges on American Idol can offer very constructive criticism even though some of them aren't singers per se. So good on him for posting his videos and demonstrating his talent.

May I remind you that the original poster asked for advice; I personally would not pay that much money for that kind of product but if you would that is your choice. I'm happy that he helped you. Please don't tell me when I should "stop" expressing my opinion. You're taking this a little bit to much to heart.

Spammers are a nuisance to everybody on Craigslist and I'm sure that he doesn't need to go that route to be successful. No other musician teachers has spammed the section like he has in the last month. He's not doing himself a favor because if he gets flagged by the community than the posts are removed. It certainly has nothing to do with my services so I don't see it as a threat other than it takes some credibility away.

Plus, I don't live off teaching; I have another full-time job that I LOVE so Ken really is NOT a threat to me. I put countless hours (as do other vocal coaches that have been discussed on this forum)interviewing musicians and working with poeple on their voice for FREE. I do it because that is MY PASSION and any money that I make is a bonus. So I find your accusation of vocal coaches shutting down each others' methods not very fair.

Also, as the moderator of this board, I'd like to say that we do not mind other vocal coaches' techniques and approaches to be discussed here. Which is something that we could completely forbid if we felt that was a threat.

All I'm saying is be careful. I'm glad to hear that the money you invested is paying off. Good for you.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I'm going to lock this thread now because I don't want it to turn into a heated discussion and I think that there are enough examples of poeple liking his program or not. I disagree with asking for so much money for it and spam but I'm sure that Ken Tamplin is still a fantastic singer and probably an excellent vocal coach as well. That's all!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Well of course I´m not gonna talk crap about you Jaime because I like your method, but I would certainly be happy to listen to you singing. You say that when you teach(one to one of course)you sing, but maybe the people that invested in your method also deserve that privilege, don´t you think? and I guess we are a lot here in the forum, not just Labrie because he´s a rock star or the people with the option to take private lessons. And that goes for Brett Mannings, Melissa Cross and all the "star" couches.

James Lugo has a video on youtube singing on his wedding day for god sake! he even forgot the lyrics and everything but it´s really awesome to see him actually singing!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Personal style has a lot to do with it. Its a risk for a coach to post a lot of their own singing online because people often then think, if they don't like their sound or style, that using their technique will make them sound that way so they avoid studying the technique. I've seen that happen a lot with Jim Gillette. Folks I know who don't like his singing assume his technique must be terrible as well which obviously isn't true since its one of the foundations of Jaime's technique. Also, a lot of teachers are just that; they would rather spend their time teaching people to sing rather than working towards becoming an artist.

As far as Brett Manning, he has posted lots of music online, check it out:

I personally couldn't care less how a coach sounds when they sing. What's important to me is how well their technique translates to my own personal style and the things I want to do.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Hahaha, didn't think you were talking crap and you all have a right to your opinion. Austin has a point too. If you sing one style it can affect people from other genres wanting to learn from you. I'll post something when I tour, as I am not too worried about proving anything, as I am sure some of the other coaches are. I think one of the best coaches in the world is a guy namd Don Lawrence who taught Tony Harnell, Jon Bon Jovi and many others. I don't believe he really sings, but I know he can really pull the best out of people. If it works, do it, if it doesn't then don't do it. I cannot speak for the other coaches, but when I am good and ready, it will be released, and then you'll be sick of me;)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Jaime Vendera
Hahaha, didn't think you were talking crap and you all have a right to your opinion. Austin has a point too. If you sing one style it can affect people from other genres wanting to learn from you. I'll post something when I tour, as I am not too worried about proving anything, as I am sure some of the other coaches are. I think one of the best coaches in the world is a guy namd Don Lawrence who taught Tony Harnell, Jon Bon Jovi and many others. I don't believe he really sings, but I know he can really pull the best out of people. If it works, do it, if it doesn't then don't do it. I cannot speak for the other coaches, but when I am good and ready, it will be released, and then you'll be sick of me;)

So, post songs in a bunch of different styles. :)I wouldn't take guitar lessons from a guy that couldn't play well.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Any vocal coach has the right to get a little defensive about people wanting them to "prove something", we´ve all seen that kind of moronic comments on youtube, but I think this is not the case, I don´t really need a proof of Jaime´s singing, I bought his book with nothing but trust that the method really works.

Anyway, maybe the general audience doesn´t have the maturity to understand that a vocal coach doesn´t have to sing so well and artistically as a rock star to get results from their students, ok it sounds weird, but maybe it´s true.

Returning to the original subject, I would absolutely buy Tamplin´s method just because how he sings, what can I say?, it sells itself! (but it IS pricey...)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Hahaha, Ben, I'll please you before long, I promise. I have to go into the studio early next year for the songs we are writing for the workshops. But I won't be doing a bunch of different styles, just gonna do my own thing. I am also sure Ken Tamplin's program is really cool. I'll contact him and maybe do a review of it soon;)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Jaime Vendera
Hahaha, Ben, I'll please you before long, I promise. I have to go into the studio early next year for the songs we are writing for the workshops. But I won't be doing a bunch of different styles, just gonna do my own thing. I am also sure Ken Tamplin's program is really cool. I'll contact him and maybe do a review of it soon;)

Hey Jamie, I wasn't trying to accuse you of not being able to sing. We just wanna hear some sweet songs featuring your freaking singing voice man!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

No worries, I didn't take it that way Ben:) Still, I am being forced back into singing because of some future events, so I guess I'll dust off my spandex and practice my back hand springs;)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

"Forced" into singing. Oh should be ashamed of yourself! hahahahaha!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

"What's important to me is how well their technique translates to my own personal style and the things I want to do."

Exactly. I decided not to care too much either wether they sing or not. Mostly why I like to hear a teacher sing is that it's easier to have faith in his method if the teacher is a living example of how it works and sounds awesome. But in case of RYV, CVT and SS I already have faith in them. I know that they work and they will work for me too.

By the way that link to Brett Mannings myspace, I'm pleasently surprised! Really liked it.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

From the little I've heard of Jamie singing (mostly just bits and pieces in his Raise your voice program and some youtube clips, it sounds like Jamie has nothing to be ashamed of about his voice. F.ex. his high scream clip in RYV has a GREAT sound to it and I think he has sung a line or two in his youtube clip, a mid range melody that sounded very professional. It would be cool to hear a whole song because I'm sure it will sound good. Nobody is expecting the best vocals of all time, but I'm pretty sure Jamie can sing well. Cheers!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I liked Brett Manning´s myspace stuff too, I didn´t know it even existed and he released a CD sold at amazon, very nice!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

now here's my point. don't you think brett manning would have EVEN MORE SUCCESS if he posted one of those songs on his coaching website? I certainly do. how many of you would be even considering ken tamplins site if there wasn't clips of his singing voice? the price is ridiculous, but because we've heard him sing we all are expecting that the material will be good despite the cost. jaime is offering those free ebooks in exchange for us to write testimonials. basically he wants more customers for his next product. i reckon postingg a clip or two of him singing would get the job done better than any testimonial can. chuck it on youtube and watch how many more customers you get.

jaime is free to do as he likes, but i am merely expressing my confusion as to why it seems like "such a big effort" to do a cover of a song you like and post it up.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I agree with Phil.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Thanks guys:) Nah, I am not ashamed of my singing at all, just got bogged down in Sirens and Miner Mines for tooooo long, hahaha;) Haven't played out since 2002 right after my surgery, which made singing really suck, but if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have developed Vocal Stress Release;)

Yeah Brett might have more success, but being a personal friend of mine, I know he doesn't really think about it and he's busy working on an entire CD. He does have some songs on iTunes. We got four almost ready for the studio, but we'll most likely be performing them on a TV show or vocal workshop in early 2011 before we hit the studio;)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

i bought that course... i think is too expensive for the course, if i make a relationship between price/quality it would be a 2/10.

to me... ken tamplin fail me.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

i bought that course... i think is too expensive for the course, if i make a relationship between price/quality it would be a 2/10.

to me... ken tamplin fail me.

Besides the price, what was bad about it?

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

it has 4 exercises that like to me but... he shows the open troath technique, is easy, keep your palathe high!!

no much more... it comes with scales make by him, but he sings all the time and it is with a guitar, no a piano....

i think if ken put more effort would be a great course.. for 160$

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Thanks, Roberto.

What is the whole deal with the open throat technique? I mean, it's not like you sing with your mouth closed!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

i think is the same as jaime said about the yawning sensation but doing exercises to do it more easy!

not much more, when i will be more deep into the course i will tell you!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

i bought the stage 1 dvd and all he teaches are some vowel modification exercises and that open throat Ah sound. im really confused and dont know what to practice it becomes really confusing when you buy many products and dont know which one to use because each one has its own beliefs and methods. Currently im using breaking the chains, the guy has exercises from each program/book but i dont know if using different methods and techniques and not just sticking to one will be effective or not nd btw dont let the price decieve you u might think Oh this is more expensive so it must be better sometimes its the complete opposite

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

aal please contact with me!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

mate i think you should pick one course and stick with it for a solid 2-3 months. its easier to compare results when you have consistent racked up sessions than if you just do "a bit of everything here and there". stsick with breaking the chains until you find its too easy, then move onto a different one, maybe back to RYV?

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

hey robert you can can add me
well i havent practiced RYV at all cause i thought it will be kinda advanced for me, all i have used is singing success and now im practing breaking the chains. i didnt practice RYV also cause i thought that three exercises alone wont provide a complete vocal workout for the voice. Big respect to RYV its a great book but i just think its not the time to practice it now (as im still an intermediate singer) i'll use it later. And btw i have to say that jaime is a really awesome coach he doesnt claim to be the only and best teacher and he is just too honest and open minded (unlike some other coaches)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

and phil yea thats wat im gonna do it looks like a really good program, i really like the chest voice exercises :)

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

i add you now, i want to talk with you about breaking the chains!

and if you want i can help you in your vocal routine!

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Some people on TMV forum use it. I don't personally have it. If it would be cheaper I might consider although I already have more courses than I can handle in my lifetime

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I know this is a small thing, but I can't really take him seriously after seeing two (very big) croatian stars in the testimonials. I'm pretty sure they are not named Tim St. John and Kelvin Thompson with the "Genius Fu*% help on my vocs". Hilarious.

The least they could do is to use stock photos.

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

Who can't you take seriously?

Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?


Re: Do you know anything about Ken Tamplin's vocal academy?

I've bought the whole 3 DVD package and right now I'm having ridiculous amount of faith and already great results! So I'm happy and I trust Ken!

One thing I have to say though, it helps me a lot that I have good background and understanding from RYV and CVT methods and I've practiced my basics for over 3 months every day with Singing Success CD:s so I already had a decent connection with chest and head and have found some mix and so on. It really helps you avoid some "traps" when you have already studied and when you have already developed some technique.

But that said Ken Tamplin seems to be what I pretty much expected. You just have to put a lot of your own effort into it to figure it all out! Same with Singing Success, I believe I had better results than average because I subscribed to their videos and spent hours and hours watching them and absorbing information and learning little details one by one and spent time practicing and figuring these little details out every day. Same with Ken Tamplin, it's simple technique and exercises but you really have to make sure you learn it the way it's meant to be learned. Do it almost right and it's not good enough.

The vowel modification thing and open throat thing worked for me immediately and since the first time I tried it I've been singing live better backing vocals than ever before, I took one melody octave higher because I was so confident!

So I can't speak for everyone, but I have faith in Ken! When you buy his DVD he gives you a 10 min consultation on skype to make sure that you get it right and so that you can ask your questions. That 10 minutes was enough to correct my support btw! Gonna take skype lessons with Ken in the future definitely.

Hope this isn't too much of a hype post, but I'm excited as always :D