Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

I honestly didn't like it. It's a Speech Level Singing program essentially, which is a method developed by Seth Riggs (who taught Brett Manning).
The explanations are pretty poor if you ask me in the fact that there really is none (or at least very little). Essentially you're paying about $200 for a series of scales, most of which you can probably find on youtube or on any other singing program costing far less.

I made more progress with Jaime's book in 1 week than I did of nearly 1 year of SLS teaching (which included 6 months of Singing Success).

Some people have had some success with it. But honestly Jaime's book is far better. So, in fact, is the 4 Pillars of Singing by Robert Lunte. Obviously this is just my opinion and many will disagree, at least I hope they do to add balance to this.

Basically it isn't a terrible program I guess, but it isn't worth the asking price. There are definitely better programs.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

personally i think it's very good. i think a lot of people have no success with it because they aren't really paying attention when brett manning says "DONT FORCE and DONT ADD TENSION" just let it go freely or you will never exercise the transition into the break as forcing will just skip it.

the course focusses a lot on using different vowel and mouth shapes to train your vocal cords in awkward positions, this helps build smooth bridges in your voice. one thing that is contradictory with jaime though is that they are against any abdominal breath pressure, they just want you to totally relax, since i'm following the course at the moment i'm dropping everything i learned from RYV so that i don't screw up the course. later i hope to combine the two by adding jaime's breath techniques to get a fuller voice in the upper ranges, as brett mannings "head voice" just sounds exactly like falsetto without breathiness whcih i don't like. one thing that confuses me though, on the samples, the students can add power to the upper notes if they choose to, but brett is adamant that abdominal support is not needed, so i have no idea how thye are adding the extra OOMPH without it.

i definately do not see it as a complete course as they do not address how to add power to notes, the course is more about developing vocal freedom to sing anywhere without strain which is something i want to develop! i want to sing more in my mixed voice.

you will get mixed opinions so it all comes down to whether you have $200 you are willing to part with or not.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

It´s good if you have a vocal coach by your side to guide you through the exercises. It´s not that Brett Manning´s method doesn´t work, it´s just that the method doesn´t seem to fit right as a self-teaching program, people get all confused and frustrated! I think that´s the reason he released "mastering mix" a program that I would call "correcting your bad singing success practice"

In my experience (3 years and 5 methodologies) the best way for people to get results when a single program doesn´t work, is to complement the information with other resources.

BTW I don´t believe in ultimate singing programs, regardlees of the impressive marketing they could have.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

good point Go. I've found that a program is only as good as you are at doing them correctly. so when you aren't having success getting a different program that explains the same thing in a different way may click with you. it's all about making you click and go AHA that's how its supposed to be done. but people shouldnt' be changing every 2 weeks, find something and stick with it for a few months, if there's no gains in that time then maybe switch. i've found i've reached a point with raise your voice, a plateu that i've been on for a few months so i've switched to singing success, it's pushed me through a bit further, then i'll probably go back to raise your voice and continue onwards and upwards until i hit another plateu. whatever pushes you through. thomas appell's program which is pretty much exactly the same as jaime's just explained from the perspective of someone else helped me also. it's all about the delivery of an explanation and finding the delievery that makes you click and go AHA

i also reckon that i woudln't have any benefits with singing success if i hadn't had prior practice through raise your voice. i found that the explanations of some things weren't too good but i was lucky enough to "get what he meant" because i had gone through jaime's book and thomas appell's book and understood what brett manning was "getting at"

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

"i definately do not see it as a complete course as they do not address how to add power to notes, the course is more about developing vocal freedom to sing anywhere without strain which is something i want to develop! i want to sing more in my mixed voice."

Honestly I already regret paying it (what the heck is wrong with that price) but I want to develop a good and inspiring practice routine (I've hardly had any) that I can do daily and that will help me progress. So far I've been mostly just singing, lip bubbling, sirening and singing again, and somehow I have progressed all the time just trusting my instincts. However I now take my progress further and develop a more professional practicing routine. The exercises seem to be good for me and the goal to develop vocal freedom to sing anywhere without strain seems to be right for me too (and the mixed voice or curbing yeah, that's what I like to use anyway!). Transcending tone and sometimes even sirens are bit too heavy for me, I want to develop a good foundation on which to build on now.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

don't regret it mate, my post wasn't saying it's a **** course if you got that idea. i'm really enjoying it and already seeing results, i just consider raise your voice to be the king of developing power, where as i see the singing success as helping me sing with more freedom. it doesn't matter that they don't address heavy sounds as raise your voice does, and does really well.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

For adding power to high notes, have you tried adding more twang? That helps me. Also, why would you not want to add support? It's not that difficult to understand and utilise and it helps massively in your sound production. What benefits could there be to using absolutely no support? That just doesn't make any sense.

Whilst we are on this subject, I want to share 2 videos with you.


These could have been off nights. Maybe he was sick. Just seems to me that a teacher should be able to practice what he preaches.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

Nathan propably answered for Phil, but yeah I've seen those videos and they absolutely suck :D

Another thing that I don't get about Brett Manning is how he propably doesn't understand what support means. He says in CD1 that "They (who is 'they' anyway) tell you to give it more support, which means push harder". Somewhere else he says that support means to push more air. But support is the thing that resist the air from escaping all at once right? High notes need less air and more support? Tell me if I'm right about this :)

But what I care is only to get the results that I want and in that sense I don't care if Brett sings bad himself if his method and exercises work for me. SS seems to be an easy step by step program with good exercises and it matches the goals I have for myself now. The exercises seem to be just right for me too. Also the best teacher ain't always the best singer/player/performer and vice versa. I know an amazing self-learned singer who wasn't able to give me too many practical tools even though he uses his own voice amazingly with huge range, power and tone.

And yeah I don't really regret buying SS I'm really happy about it and I looking forward to it. It's just that it's out there as a torrent too... :) But when I get the results I want it is worth any price.

By the way I recorded a "before" recording so after the SS program I can record again and listen for the difference. If you want to listen to it and comment then please:

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

Dude, I really like the tone of your voice. You could be a really amazing singer. Is that you playing piano too? I hear some hints of James Labrie on your higher notes. With a little more control you will be amazing bro.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

That was really awful! I´ve always wanted to watch Brett Manning singing, not anymore...

To be really honest, I find it really annoying that many vocal coaches don´t show how they sing. If I would have to buy a method by how the author sings I´ve definitely will buy Ken Tamplin´s method, that guy voice is amazing, so cool!

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

Thanks a lot Ben! I didn't play on that track, it's a backing track I downloaded from youtube. I do play guitar by the way :)

Oh I'm so in love with my voice even though I'm not near the technical skills, freedom, sounds and "touch" that I can and will achieve soon enough! But I just love singing and I love my voice, and even on my crappiest days I wouldn't change my voice for anyone else's :) And I do have huge goals with my music career. Wow there are not too many things that are as satisfying than having improvement with your greatest passion.

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

Ozzy if you like SS then you might also like Seth Riggs' book Singing for the Stars as well as Roger Love's Set Your Voice Free. Seth is the grandpa of whole thing and Roger is his student. I don't personally have SS so no comment for that, I have seen some of the videos though. Both books I mentioned come with CD and are obviously much cheaper than SS and they contain less exercises. But none of these are very rock oriented...

Re: What do you think about Singing Success program?

Thanks capehill I'm gonna keep those in mind for future. Now I already have the Singing Success program and I use it as a workout routine (just a couple of additional things from RYV and CVT though) and I really like it. I don't mind that it isn't so rock-orientated. Right now I'm looking for some lighter tones anyway and a really effortless and natural way to produce them with ease and make them sound rich and resonant, mmm :) Then I can add some edge to it, kind of like Adam Lambert. Yeah that's what I'm going for!