Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

Good to hear Ben. If I would live anywhere near New York I would book some personal lessons. (I have taken some oversea Skype lessons with other teacher but they are quite not the same thing)

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I've been working on the program for about a week now and have already noticed significant improvement in the quality of my tone. I didn't realize how much tension I was singing with. I was trying to sing much higher than my voice was ready for. I don't have that tired voice feeling all the time now. I highly recommend this course. One thing I like about it is that Kevin focuses on master chest voice completely before moving to head-voice. I think that makes so much sense though a lot of vocal courses seem not to put much emphasis on it. Kevin has distilled and taken the best from his own experience and other singing methods and put it into what looks like a pretty complete vocal program to me.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I do both discs in one session with RYV ;)

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I do both discs in one session with RYV ;)

RYV is great, but Kevin's program is a lot more logically structured in my opinion. Jamie's book could use some serious editing. I could tear out about 1/3 of the pages containing useless information and still have the meat of the book. Jamie is a great dude, but the book seems like it was written by a person with ADD. LOL!

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I've been using Kevin's program for a little over a month now. I've noticed my tone, resonance, and control over my voice is much better. My voice doesn't get tired as easily. Great program. I think I may combine some RYV exercises later on.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I feel like I got ADD, hahaha, my brain NEVER shuts off. Ideas fly out of it every single friggin day and I cannot keep up. As for editing, funny you mentioned that. I am doing a little editing, but as for thinning it out, it's not gonna happen;) It's all in there for a reason;)Yeah any program that has vocal scales will work great with RYV. I like Brett Manning's scales, and of course I love Jim Gillett'e and Thomas Appell's scales. Those work great with RYV. In fact, I teach a lot of scales in private lessons. Just didn't put it in a book because every other book already does that;)

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I cant buy anything on internet because we dont have any credit card system in this country. I recently got Jaime's book, asking a friend in USA to buy me the book since he was visiting us. I really want to buy that program too.:(

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

i just got it yesterday. seems great, although the man really should have put in some effort with a spell check in his pdf, there's grammar errors everywhere. i found at least 10 within one paragraph.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I hear you man. It's a very good program, but I did notice quite a few typos! How's it goin? Have you made any progress?

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

its a fantastic program, i've made significant gains in the past month.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

phil, are you doing both discs or did you master cd1 first?

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

i do both discs, 2 weeks of SLS has kind of smoothed most of my bridges so i'm really after just adding the power back.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

hey kevin can u do the machine gun eddie scream??
cause one of my friends told me if this guy can do it hes 100% correct on wat hes saying u accept the challenge?? xD

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

btw i stopped using the program i felt my voice was confused on wat 2 do nd the tone of my voice changed it became kinda nasily dont know y

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

aal, with the utmost respect, I seriously recommend you "shutup and train", and stop making ridiculous posts like the one above where you imply that Kevin Richards doesn't know anything if he can't reproduce some scream. I have a very high opinion of Kevin Richard's program, and I seriously recommend you continue using it. The "problems" you talk about, make me think that you tried it "a couple of times" then quit. You need to put in solid practice time, months of consistent, religious practice time. That is where you will get results.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

phil u dont know who told me to write that ok he isnt regular friend hes a really famous singer and coach but i cant say his name i didnt mock any one i have outmost repect to all the coaches out there nd btw i didnt try it just couple of times i tried it 4 two nd half months and it just didnt work 4 me thats just my opinion like many ppl the singing success program didnt work for them
cant i just write my opinion???


Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

I'm also keen to check out this program as his videos are great on YouTube.

By the way aal, I am sure that Phil's comment is not just as the result of your one question/challenge. It's a combination of a multitude of novice questions that are bordering on tainting the quality of this forum. The contributors to this board are very helpful and especially nice to newbies as we all want people to improve their singing - you're just pushing the welcome.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

doug if i made any one here angry im sorry i really like this forum and didnt mean to offend anyone

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

That Machine Gunn Eddie scream takes a LOT to do, so whomever told you that Kevin don't know what he's doing unless he can do that scream is incorrect. Gillette is one of my closest friends and it was even a challenge for him. Speaking of Gillette, we've just finished writing a book together. Should be out by July. Waiting on Jim to read back through it;)

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

i am sorry again it was just a challenge nothing more
i started this and i hv to end it kevin no neeed for doing anything to prove wat u are doing nd guys i cant delete the post so chill nd just forget wat i wrote

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

No one is mad:) Everyone is allowed an opinion. I am sure you didn't mean any harm, just trying to keep the board a fun place so no one gets mad. I personally don't know anything about Kevin's program other than I heard he uses some of Jim's scales, but I hold respect for all coaches who truly care about helping their students and I believe that Kevin is that kind of coach;) If his program doesn't work for you, or if my program doesn't work for you, that is fine. Every singer has to find their own way because we are all human instruments. In the end, practice, sing and have fun:)

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

Kevin's program, BTC, is great, but it is NOT for beginners. If you have the basics down well, it is really great.

Re: Breakin The Chains By Kevin Richards

phil not to lie to u at the beginning the program worked but after that i noticed a change in the tone thats wat happened nd btw i totally repect u cause ur one of the most helpful ppl on the forum but just know wat i said wasnt from me its from a really well respeectful coach and singer