Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

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Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!


DROP ALL MEDICATION NOW. medication stops SYMPTOMS. symptoms are a healing mechanism from the body. numbing your symtpoms is like cutting the cord in your car that tells you you have no fuel left. you'll never know when you run out! if you are silencing your pains all the time, you won't take any action to remedy them. plus anything unnatural is waste to the body and you are only clogging it up more and pushing healing time back.

Hi everyone,

I am sure Phil has several valid points, and though I have to agree that modern medicine is not perfect and that diet has a singifificant role in health, and do not want to be critical of either Phil or his beliefs, I hope it will be ok for me to make a small suggestion or two.

If readers are going to take his advice and stop all their medications, it would be wise to check their physician before they do. Suddenly stoping some medications can be life threatening, and some are needed for life and cannot be stopped. For example suddenly stoping long term corticosteroid thearapy can be dangerous to ones health. And both diabetics that are insulin dependent and people with certain cardiac arrhythmias may risk death by stoping their medications. Similarly people with certain medical conditions may risk serious illness by fasting for many reasons. For example, diabetics may need to adjust insulin or oral medications if they are fasting and fasting can change the degree of anticoagulation for people taking a blood thinner called coumadin. Also, though exercise is, as Phil has suggested, a powerful way to improve heath, there are some medical conditions that make it dangerous too, so it might be wise to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program particularly if you know you have health problems. The good news on the exercise part is that your doctor will, in most(but not all) circumstances think it is a good idea.

Anyway, I mean no offense to Phil or anyone else, and hope everyone remains healthy and keeps singing.


Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!

Hmm, I'm sorry Phil but I believe that your response is looking a little bit crackpot and by doing all that stuff I think you're being a little bit hypocritical on the belief system thing. Personal experience (i.e. a sample size of one) is not something that I would use as the basis for telling people to completely change their whole way of life.

Saying research is pretty much BS is a very blind way of doing things and it sounds like someone has been reading too many self help books, scientology manuals or autobiographies of David Icke. Usually a fan of your contributions but I think that rant was particularly off.

There's a site dedicated to people who do things like fasting and other miraculous(ly silly thing) to avoid sickness and deny that disease exists and it shows you all the ways they died. This is up there with AIDS and Cancer denial in my books. I'm not gonna rant up too much though but really don't agree with most of what you wrote there, mate.

Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!

Woah! I didn't wish to start something like that guys!!! Thanks Phil for your suggestions although I think a 21 day fast on water, salt and honey is too extreme.

My chiro is fixing my neck right now and the rest of my vertebrae. I already feel the results. I don't have any arthritis pain yet and what I felt in my back and neck is from the misalignment so hopefully the arthritis won't act out for a while. He also set the first discs in my neck haven't separated before birth so I have one bone instead of two there which might contribute to the tension in my neck. That too is irreversible but the realignment will help redistributing how the weight of my head is supported. I've always had great posture so I'm not sure how it all started... That was the shocking part for me...

I consider myself very healthy. My diet is excellent. I eat whole food and little sugar. No coffee or chocolate. NO processed food. No prescription drugs (or drugs). I exercise. I'm slim. I do have a day job to keep so fasting on water wouldn't be appropriate for more than 3days (which I've done before on an apple only fast) unless I plan on fainting in front of my grade 1/2 students. It would be a great idea to have a short fast again.

A friend told me that I can create space through specific exercises for the bones where the degeneration has started to bring blood flow and encourage regeneration. So I'm going to try that for sure.

Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!

I am aware everything I say is my opinion. So if you disagree that's fine. However, don't think that will stop me from listing what has positively affected my life and many others.

Anything that you commit as truth, before you have actually tested out for YOURSELF is a belief system. This is the problem with the catch phrase "scientifically proven". People read a few things and if it is made up of mundane "scientific sounding" words they pass it off as "peer-reviewed, sound research" and commit it as truth, THEN talk about it to other people like they KNOW IT AS TRUTH. When doing this, you are assuming all is well behind the research and that there are no agendas or errors of any kind. If you think the scientific community is black and white you are wrong. Any "evidence" of something you think you know, I bet I can find many other opposing views with equal amounts of evidence to "back them up". Being aware of this, then what do you believe? This is why you must test out everything you can, if you can't feasibly test something out then don't jump to a conclusion on it. I am merely sharing with you what has positively changed my life, my wife's, and many people I know. People who think I'm "off" have less health than me. always. I will only take advice from people that have something I want to develop. For example, if I want health, I will ask someone who HAS HEALTH. A walking textbook of theory is not good enough.

and by the way, there are no "side effects" in medication, there are only EFFECTS!

and doug "Saying research is pretty much BS is a very blind way of doing things"

What I am doing is the application of theory and information into KNOWLEDGE. This basically means, research and try things and note the difference. The reason why I have said a lot of stuff is BS is because i've APPLIED the information. It is not good enough to just read things and then go "well it's 'peer-reviewed'". there are many conflicting studies, to think that there isn't is clearly proof that you are only looking in one direction.

you then go on:
"and it sounds like someone has been reading too many self help books, scientology manuals or autobiographies of David Icke. Usually a fan of your contributions but I think that rant was particularly off."

my opinions are contrary to that of yours. that does not make my knowledge incorrect or baseless as you imply. i didn't get my information from those sources, but if i had, it wouldn't matter so long as the results were sound.

you also think your research on fasting stumps my tried and tested proof of doing and knowing it. results are in the pudding.

This is not a shot at you guys for "not agreeing", I am fine with that and didn't expect it, but if I feel I have an answer for something I am **** sure gonna post it, especially when its something I KNOW.

Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!

Hi Phil,

FYI there are two Dougs posting to this thread. I assume the "doug" you addressed in your last post is Doug Skene.

Though perhaps I am mistaken. Please let me know if I am.


Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!

So you know fasting cures cancer eh? And this is your opinion? Glad you are not a Doctor, you would have many dead patient. Plus if it were the case that fasting could cure cancer, most people would survive cancer. Many people who have cancer can barely eat as it is. Give your head a shake.

Sorry Oiselle, I know you wanted to keep this thread positive.

Re: Chiropractor Care + The Voice!

alright, we all get it! Fasting may have its positive but taken to the extreme might have negatives too. I think I'm going to lock my own thread now since it's taken quite an unexpected turn here ;)

I still appreciate your input Phil and it reminded me that I should have mini-fasts more often. thanks!
