Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

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Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

Dear Members,
I finally have reached the exercises section. I have started doing the Falsetto slide.
I start with a C (from the pitch wheel) than I slide down. When I reach the B two octaves lower and I break into full voice my cords stop vibrating and the sound turns into a weird growl.
How do I avoid this. Slowing down doesn't seem to solve that.
You can listen to it here:

Thank You for any tips.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

To me it sounded like vocal fry. I'm getting it too. Probably most people get in their low part of voice. For example, if you check those "6 octave demos" on Youtube, large parts of those are vocal fry which I personally don't find very useful for singing...

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

So what does that mean?
How do I overcome it?

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

I'm not sure if that's even a bad thing. If you're sliding down to the bottom of your range, it's alright to feel vocal fry... vocal fry IS at the bottom of your range anyway. Then again, this hasn't happened to me before.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

You need the right jaw opening to allow your larynx to tilt properly in place and pull or release the vocal cords properly. Pretend you're biting in an apple more to create the right opening. Allow send the vibrations of your voice between your eyes. See if this helps. Check my video on connecting the registers:


Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

Thank you Valerie!!!

I will check it and try it as soon as I have a chance.

P.S. I really appreciate your help.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

You're welcome :))

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps


So I've had 3 sessions of Falsetto slides so far.

On the second session I managed to slide from falsetto to full voice successfully using oiselle's recommendations and feeling the core of resonance sliding.
Yesterday though, I was doing the same exercise but I felt more tense, despite doing the Vocal stress release.
I slowed down on my descent and I noticed that there's a point when I'm actually blowing air through my glottis and no sound is produced, just some ssssssss of the wind passing by. I cannot hear anything until my larynx switch gears and by that time the pitch is one fifth lower than the last time it sounded when I was in falsetto. Is this a normal part of the process or do I need to "consciously learn how to switch to full voice at the same pitch as falsetto" to avoid it?

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

you simply need to practice more. you said you've only had 3 sessions, you can't expect to have perfect transitions in 3 sessions. do it for a few months rather than a few days, then come back.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

Muscle memory takes time and lost of practicing :) Keep it up!

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

I decided to take a break yesterday, I felt worked but with no muscular pain because I made sure to cool down when I finished my routine . Is taking me around 3 hrs:30 min to get to falsetto slides because I do all at once: Vocal Stress release, then breathing workout (from the other book) then all the warm ups as they appear on the book then I get to falsetto slide, then I sing for 30 min, then I cool down.
But yesterday in the Middle of the night I woke up with actual muscular pain in my larynx muscles. I wonder if it was because of strain or because I sneezed like 3 times before going to bed. When I woke up I did some Gargling tones and some Lip bubbles and that caused a relief. Right now (3:41 PT) they are not hurting. Is weird to have the same sensation that I've felt before in my biceps now in my throat.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

If you feel your voice; you're doing something wrong! Of course as you are learning this is inevitable so I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you want reassurance that what you are doing is right you can always book a lesson ;)

You might be experiencing acid reflux at night as well. Wait and see it that happens again...

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

There are 3 factors that might had made this happend.
1.-Reflux. (I have had this sensation before and this time it felt like muscular pain when you work out. The reflux is felt on the mucosa, which is different)
2.-Sudden Strong Sneeze. The sensation I got when sneezing was very similar to the one afterward, but less intense.
Alas I did felt the pain in my muscles more than 24 hours after I finished my routine so that makes it a little confusing. If I was doing something wrong. Then why did the pain appeared more than 24 hrs later?

It also hurts when I yawn.

I will tackle the exercises today with no food and night and see what happens.

Thank you.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

I had a session yesterday and focused on falsetto slides instead of singing for 30 min. Also I did the whole stress release along with lip bubbles, resonance and gargling tones to Cool down.

I noticed that when the break comes the throat closes in order to switch to full voice.This allowed me to finally start closing the gap between them two. Also I remembered NOT to look up when reaching higher notes. That helped a LOT.
My muscles hurt a little when I swallow and I wonder if some of them are also involved on moving/keeping in position the larynx.

I've also noticed that keeping the tone on the soft palate is a lot harder when you do the falsetto slide going down instead of up.(Around F3-C4)
Even though that I skipped dinner last night I woke up with red gum in my upper maxillary and that hasn't happened in a LONG time. I wonder if it was acid reflux? Also sometimes I burp after doing breath support. I would like to know if that's a sing of bad technique or it simple indicates that the stomach is not locked at the upper side? That might be related to the reflux.

Thank You!!!

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

I'm not sure. May be you should book an appointment with an ENT. On a side note, people usually find it much easier to slide down then to slide up so I thought that was interesting... Also I'm not sure if your description of the throat closing is a sensation or what you are really doing but it shouldn't be closing per se... The larynx tilts back and forth to accommodate the right pitches pull the vocal cords properly.

Re: Falsetto Slide breaking-voice Jumps

After doing some testing I've found the culprit to be: All of the above.
1.-I slept not horizontally and then most of the swallowing went away.--reflux.(Not to mention that your neck muscles relax a lot more while sleeping this way)
2.-By voluntarily swallowing and then feeling my larynx shift I stretched the muscles that hurt in the past, also had to stretch the vocal chord muscles:
crucoarytenoid,cricothyroid(larynx shifter), and the transverse arytenoid.

Also noticed that stretching the tongue helped. Btw, have to be extra-careful when massaging the tongue as specified in the VSR routine as it might get irritated. Suggest to do Hydrogen Peroxide (Oxygenated Water) gargling and then put extra care of washing it away since it irritates the mucus.

My range has expanded from G2 to E4 to F2 to F#4 (Right above the usual break) which I could only hit on falsetto in the past.

See a sample here: