Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

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Re: My Challenge!

"Did you know that singers produce a certain amino acid which causes weight gain?" - Bruce Dickinson

Where is this from? Is there research to support this? Just curious.

Re: My Challenge!

Keep in mind that this is Bruce we're talking about, he has quite a sense of humour.

Re: My Challenge!

forget "scientific proof" learn to tap into observational "science" (thats what i like to call it anyway). there are just as many fat singers as there are skinny singers. so clearly even if it's true it obviously doesn't have much of an effect. now take this into observation: how many people eat a diet of ALL natural foods without ANY processed junk AND exercise DAILY and are fat? i've never seen anyone that's fat that follows this lifestyle. if they are fat then they are failing in these areas in one way or another. biggest problem i find is fat people who genuinely think they are doing all the things right, thats' why a lot of the time they need an outside person who has genuine health to observe what they're doing and can pinpoint and go AH! see how many chemicals are in this thing you think is "bread"??? and they'll say "ohh i dind't realise that was bad". and you don't even exercise! and then they'll go "but i don't have time". I don't know anyone with more hobbies than myself, every day i have to work like anyone else, then come home, and practice bass, guitar, piano, singing, martial arts, recording, and exercise like weightlifting or running. i don't even really get to just sit down and do nothing, but it's alright cos i love the stuff i do. 20 minutes every day on your thing is enough to see improvement so i'll spend about 20mins on each skill roughly some more some less, every day is better than 1 big hit once a week of skill practice. skill is developed by doing something everyday, even if you can do just a little it seriously adds up but it must be EVERY DAY

Re: My Challenge!

forget "scientific proof" learn to tap into observational "science" (thats what i like to call it anyway).

Science is observational pretty much by definition. You observe the results of processes that you may or may not have initiated. By definition.

Re: My Challenge!

Haha, that's something Bruce said on the making of A Matter of life and Death DVD. I'm sure he was kidding around. The producer replies back going, "Does that have anything to do with your massive ego?" .. something like that.

Re: My Challenge!

Alkis Tsapanidis
forget "scientific proof" learn to tap into observational "science" (thats what i like to call it anyway).

Science is observational pretty much by definition. You observe the results of processes that you may or may not have initiated. By definition.

my point is that people don't use observation. they always quote something they read. some guy the other day was telling me fasting was bad. he's never done it. he was operating on BELIEF of something he read. I kept asking how he knew, and he kept quoting things he read. I asked him how he knew those things were true. He coudln't tell me how he knew they were right, he was basically operating on faith. Now i can find just as much science backing up fasting as i can science saying it's dangerous. the same guy was telling me that tofu is unhealthy. this guy gets sick all the time, i never get sick. who am i going to listen to? i only take health advice from people healthier than me, not people who are more "well read" than me.
The proof is in doing. Apply information.

Re: My Challenge!

my point is that people don't use observation. they always quote something they read.

Sure, but they should. Science is not reading papers and taking the information for granted, science only advances by challenging things and proving them right or wrong.

some guy the other day was telling me fasting was bad. he's never done it.

I don't have an opinion on this, other than that it takes a lot of restraint that I know I don't have

he was operating on BELIEF of something he read. I kept asking how he knew, and he kept quoting things he read. I asked him how he knew those things were true. He coudln't tell me how he knew they were right, he was basically operating on faith. Now i can find just as much science backing up fasting as i can science saying it's dangerous.

Well, that's his failing. He needs to read papers for and against the principle, study their methodologies and if he believes (as in have it on good authority) that their studies were conducted in the right manner he can draw conclusions on whether it's good or not. There are not absolutes anyway, "good" for what and "bad" for what?

the same guy was telling me that tofu is unhealthy. this guy gets sick all the time, i never get sick.

There has been a lot of internet paranoia about this. All I have to say is that not very much is unhealthy as part of a balanced diet. If you eat nothing but tofu, I'm sure it's unhealthy... as is pretty much every thing else man can eat. :-P

Re: My Challenge!

I will never take a "well read" man who has never done the activity seriously, when they are trying to tell me I am wrong. Much of the learning is in the doing, and far too many people don't DO. The reason why it isn't good enough to just research is because if you do your research thoroughly (which many don't, they look at one source and conclude that it's settled), you will find just as much against what you are researching as you will find just as much FOR it, in terms of evidence. I can't remember the last thing I researched that was truly "settled", there's always a lot of science for and against it, that's why one must actually apply the knowledge. if they don't want to apply the knowledge then they have no business arguing with someone that actually HAS applied it.

did you know there are many independent scientific groups that are saying our current theory of gravity is "primitive" and is "holding us back"? that is simply the level of how much science appears to NOT BE SETTLED anywhere. I personally don't have a clue, so I won't laugh at someone that says something like that, it helps me keep an open mind. much of what we think is based on belief, and the phrase "scientifically proven" should not give the added oomph and political weight that it seems to do.