Welcome to The Voice Connection Sound Off; a forum for users of books like Raise Your Voice, Melody to Madness, The Ultimate Breathing Workout, and Unleash Your Creative Mindset, as well as a place for Vendera Vocal Academy members to interact.

This message board was created so that singers could come together and "sound off" to help support each other during vocal development and the creative process of unleashing the creative spark that occurs when writing and producing music. Currently, myself and vocal coaches Ben Valen, Ray West, and Ryan Wall are here to respond periodicially to your questions, with new vocal coaches coming soon. But, feel free to help each other too:)

This board is here for you to ask questions about my and my fellow coach's books, videos, and MP3 programs, as well as offer others help with our vocal techniques. You may also post videos of yourself and your band to share your music and ask for critiques.

Please refrain from negative comments, profanities, spamming, and inappropriate criticisms of vocal methodologies, vocal coaches, and singers. All negative posts will be deleted and subject to banning without question. I will not respond to negative posts, because, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” With that said, positive criticism is welcome because that is how you'll grow as a singer during the training process.

The Voice Connection - Sound Off
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Question for Jamie

What are your favorite bands by the vocalist and songs criteria?
Who is your favorite no1. ( in criteria e.g. technics in general, pitch clearness, resonance, full voice control ,amount of effort in hitting high octave ranges etc) vocalist today or do you have some list of the most extraordinary ones?

Re: Question for Jamie

I think he will say Jim Gillette of Nitro even thought that is not really current ;) but I let him answer when he has a chance, lol!

Re: Question for Jamie

...and Steve Perry ...and Tony Harnell...;)

Re: Question for Jamie

Honestly, I like wayyyy too many different singers. Look at the whole list of singers I mention in RYV. I honestly cannot pick. Some of my tops include Gillette of course, Matijevic, Harnell, Prince, Jeff Buckley, Plant, Perry, Ticotin, Kennedy, Torien, Seal to name a few.

Re: Question for Jamie

Speaking of Gillette, he called me last night to play me three new tunes he's been recording;) Nothing Nitro-like, stuff for something special they are working on:)

Re: Question for Jamie

Thx for the reply, but what about the Metal voices especially Power Metal - music genre of Voices.Have you by any chance heard for Mr. Daniel Heiman from the Swedish Power Metal band Lost Horizon
He is by far and far my favorite vocalist in all the meanings and objectively one of best voices ever . His ex-band members are unable to find worthy replacement for 7 years. Nobody has ever posted listenable vocal cover of their songs(except 1 try) because of the technical superiority that requires one hell of a unique voice in conjuction with their very technical instrumental stuff. One of the most intelligent bands also in terms lyrics.
Listen up and judge by yourself:
Remember his name - the guy is one of his kind. - Live without monitors - facemelter genius ;)

One more, Is it true that Gillette shattered those bottles and glasses in the concerts by hitting 6 octave pitch scream or a bad rumor?

Thx for writing the book,

Re: Question for Jamie

Waxl, Daniel heiman is the best singer in the world and lost horizon is great... But man their lyrics is not one of the most intelligent :P Their lyrics is really really horrible!

World Through My Fateless Eyes

In the dawn of me, back at my spring of life
A mystic cry touched my soul
Just like a dream... a shine filled up it's sphere
My mind it was free and the secret's key was for me there

Magic voice that came... strain from another world
Of beauty not to believe
All then I heard was for me like a soul's reverie
And the voice... it sang my name

And through the all painful years that should come
That magic was there by my side
Power that led to I lost fear of death
Hatred that covered its meaning
I hail my senses that help me to see
so clear in my mind
All rotten "truth" and the doctrines which words
make us blind

Re: Question for Jamie

It's one of those power metal lyrics written by international bands that never make much sense, lol.

Re: Question for Jamie

Well the thing is that their lyrics are much based on the spiritual, social and inner questions of the world and the individuality of the human kind so their understanding is more in depth but do and does make sense.
The song "World through My fateless" eyes speaks about the gift of self-improvement and enlightning in the special and deep meaning and metaphor of an individual, and while it may seem too cheesy at first, the song is very meaningful if you let yourself think more deeply about the world and the state of human mind today. After all it depends much whether you'll be able to understand or not on how far you're seeking for something and anything in life in general analogy. They're author Wojtek Lisicki really understands psychology of the people and I can confirm that towards his lyrics and his messages and I'm not some kind of fanatic, believe me.

Re: Question for Jamie

Well then he just has a message for a cheesy metal lyrics, still doesnt make it good :P
Well you can be great with human pshycology all you want, still doesne make the lyrics better in my opinion :P

You actualy sound like one of the guys in the band... hehe

Re: Question for Jamie

Unfortunately I'm not the one :D Well mate the fact is that if you're unable to find deeper meaning and the message in the lyrics, it doesn't mean that these lyrics are cheesy in general and that the one should create some surfaced general and wrong preassumption . Re-read the lyrics one day and maybe you'll find something for yourself.
Just because you don't understand something at first sight doesn't mean that it's meaningful and pointless and that you should stop using your brain for eternity.
Aloha ;)

Re: Question for Jamie

Heiman is my favorite singer man, my personal goal is to record tribute on Lost Horizon one day after building and incorporating more technique in my voice.
LH all the way;)

Re: Question for Jamie

I dont wanna come out as a ****** but even if it has deeper meaning it's still just the type of words an italian powermetalband sitting with dictionarys finding cool words such as magic ect, would write!
Lost horizon is a great band, great singer, but i will never agree with the lyrics.
Honestly metal in general have very ****ty lyrics, sure it sounds good in a song but when you read them your always disappoined and it doesnt cut it :P
Besides even if you listen to the songs you can clearly hear this isnt music where the lyrics is at focus.

Re: Question for Jamie

"Shananananananana knees-knees. Woah! I, I wanna watch you bleed!".

Heavy metal is full of great lyrics, don't be rediculous.
