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Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Attorney Jeremiah Dys of the Family Policy Council will be speaking at the Elkins Western Steer Steakhouse's Randolph County Athletic Hall of Fame room at 7 PM on Saturday December 5th.
He will outline strategies to protect traditionally defined marriage during the upcoming WV legislative session as well as efforts to place an initiative protecting traditionally defined marriage on the ballot for WV voters in 2010.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Yeah, don't want them gays to ruin the sanctity of marraige. With divorce rates at nearly 50%, infidelity all around us....heteros can ruin the sanctity of marriage all by themselves. Don't want to let homosexuals in on all the fun.

You gotta love it....even though not one homophobe has been able to tell me how gays being allowed to marry would effect their life, we still want to deny them equal rights because of our own biggotted views. Even though it wouldn't effect out lives at all.

Heterosexuals whining about protcting the sanctity of marriage, now that's funny! Pathetic, but funny!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

You and your spouse should attend the meeting. If he is not busy doing something or someone else.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Who Cares
Yeah, don't want them gays to ruin the sanctity of marraige. With divorce rates at nearly 50%, infidelity all around us....heteros can ruin the sanctity of marriage all by themselves. Don't want to let homosexuals in on all the fun.

You gotta love it....even though not one homophobe has been able to tell me how gays being allowed to marry would effect their life, we still want to deny them equal rights because of our own biggotted views. Even though it wouldn't effect out lives at all.

Heterosexuals whining about protcting the sanctity of marriage, now that's funny! Pathetic, but funny!

Well said. Let's add to this a ballot initiative that once married you can not divorce. Ever! That will "protect" the sanctity of marriage.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

You and your spouse should attend the meeting. If he is not busy doing something or someone else.

Real classy tom. You & sideshowbob are the jewels of this board.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Who Cares
Yeah, don't want them gays to ruin the sanctity of marraige. With divorce rates at nearly 50%, infidelity all around us....heteros can ruin the sanctity of marriage all by themselves. Don't want to let homosexuals in on all the fun.

You gotta love it....even though not one homophobe has been able to tell me how gays being allowed to marry would effect their life, we still want to deny them equal rights because of our own biggotted views. Even though it wouldn't effect out lives at all.

Heterosexuals whining about protcting the sanctity of marriage, now that's funny! Pathetic, but funny!

sadly who cares while you are quick to defend homos you failed again to see the real issue here marriage has been a tradional relgious issue in the bible its fairly clear between a man and a woman.most people including me have no issue with a cival joining allowing the other person all traditional legal rights .but marriage in tradional aspect is between a man and woman .i respect that. the fact you dont understand that we would also be taking away the beliefs of others and stomping on them marriage is a relgious thing not legal.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

how fragile is one's marriage to be threatened by another couples union? isn't interesting that most BGLT people come from hetrero unions. maybe homophobes should outlaw breeders. hitler gained control through unreasonable fear, it's sounding familiar.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I guess the fair thing to do is place the matter before the voters,have both sides make their cases and let the people decide.
Having seen the outcome in California,Maine and many other states I am very confident as to what the result would be in West Virginia. See you at the polls. Hopefully, this issue will be coming to a voting booth near you.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

how fragile is one's marriage to be threatened by another couples union? isn't interesting that most BGLT people come from hetrero unions. maybe homophobes should outlaw breeders. hitler gained control through unreasonable fear, it's sounding familiar.

its not about fear its about respecting relgion and tradition.for several thousand years now its been between a man and woman.these people who feel this way which seems to be the majority have a rights also .i dont have any issue aginst legal joining which gives the gay couple all the same rights legally they want.but no they want to stomp all over others relgious tradition and what the bible says about the issue.thats the real issue here .most people have no issue about a cival joining i know i sure dont it gives them what they are complaining about legal rights but some people want to stomp on others traditional lifestyles and make them give up something they hold dear.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Don't forget Sodom and Gommorah; they were destroyed by fire. The place was full of homosexuals.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Is the intent to also ban marriage from non-believers? (After all, that also amounts to desecration of marriage.)

If you want to properly respect marriage, then divorce is what should be illegal.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Is the intent to also ban marriage from non-believers? (After all, that also amounts to desecration of marriage.)

If you want to properly respect marriage, then divorce is what should be illegal.

divorce is a legal issue it has nothing to do with your faith .it simple removes legal obligations that the state has imposed.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Senate Judiciary Chairman Jeff Kessler is now totally on board for a traditional Marriage Amendment to the WV Constitution.
With House Judiciary Chairwoman Carrie Webster being nominated by Governor Manchin to become a Judge,the new House Judiciary Chairperson is likely to be for a traditional Marriage Amendment unless Delegate Wooton(former Senate Judiciary Chair) is somehow selected.
That means only House Constitutional Revision Chairwoman Barbara Evans Fleischauer is standing between the traditional Marriage Amendment and its path to the voters.
Since she finished 4 th in her District (4 are elected from her District)so the political pressure on her to act on this will be great and if this is not approved to be voted on by the legislature(then the voters) in 2010 then it likely will be in 2012. The needed two thirds majority in both Houses would vote for this Amendment to move forward to the voters should it reach the floor in each chamber.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Is the intent to also ban marriage from non-believers? (After all, that also amounts to desecration of marriage.)

If you want to properly respect marriage, then divorce is what should be illegal.

divorce is a legal issue it has nothing to do with your faith .it simple removes legal obligations that the state has imposed.

Let me get this straight: Marriage is religious, and should only be undertaken by religious people (or a man and a woman, failing any religious people show up) but divorce is simply a legal matter? You can't have it both ways.

If people are so willing to allow civil unions, why isn't that legal? Why are we denying gays' civil rights?

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

What makes this a "civil right"?

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Another example of people trying to cram "their" religion on everyone!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

It should never even be an issue that we have to fight to keep the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman. Just goes to show how immoral this nation has become. And yes, I will impose my "christian" beliefs because I still believe this country was founded on "christian principles" not religious principles. There is a difference. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I love it when people refer back to the "wisdom" of our founding fathers like they were some great human beings that were sooo wise that they could see hundreds of years into the future. Remember, these are the same "christians" that thought it was fine & dandy to "OWN" another human being. Who thought it was perfectly normal to treat people with sub-human standards simply because they were of a different race! Yeah, such wonderful christians they were! We should all aspire to be like them!

If you choose to live your life by a book written eons ago...a book in which much of it's contents can't be proven & must be taken on faith...well, that's YOUR business. Just don't try to force YOUR religion on me. And to insinuate that christians have a monopoly on moral values is hillarious!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

who cares - if you don't like what we christians are doing, then leave it alone. Obviously you do care. Do we scare you? I hardly think we are trying to impose anything. Just trying to maintain the morals that you liberals are always trying to change. I don't want to be like Sodom and Gomorrah. If it weren't for the praying christians, I shudder to think of the judgement this nation would be getting if we didn't have favor with the Father. God help us when the judgement does come and believe me, it's coming. Just keep running, Who Cares. You'll either bow or burn and it's all YOUR choice. Wouldn't want to impose.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

You worry about yourself & I'll worry about myself. The only thing about christians that concerns me is them trying to force their religious beliefs into "MY" life. One need not adhere to christianity or any other religion to be a moral person.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I love watching, or reading, about how bigots reveal themselves and then try to justify their prejudices with nonsense rhetoric.

Thanks Jeremy for bringing this up and revealing your own slants. How many times did you say you have been married? Ever? So Jeremy do you think any or all of our civil rights can be voted away? Don't you understand anything about how this country strives for ideals, not idealogy.

And of course the rest of the usual suspects showed up to tell us all how narrow they also are.

You homophobes are disgusting. If you just took care of your own lives maybe we all would be better off.

How dare you think that your own lives could be marred by the independant actions of others. It is great that others above have put you in your low life place. Keep your dirty noses out of the lives of others. You have already accumulated to much excrement on the tip of your noses.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Nothing worse than a bunch of self-righteous people telling us all how to live our lives!

I could understand their point if letting gays get married would somehow have a negative effect on their life, but they can't. That's what gets me! Gay marriage would not effect their life one iota yet they want to force the rest of us to be biggots as well.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Joel and Who Cares - Lots of crap in your heads and nothing in your hearts. I only feel pity, but rant on. I used to be quite rebellious myself, so there's hope.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

To I care,

You are just another phony christian living your life in fear. Yes, you will probably burn to a crisp. Since I like all animals I pitty you that you live such a horrid, miserable, demented, predjudicial, fearful, homophobic, despicible, judgmental and non christian life.

You are the antithisis of Christ. No wonder the devil already has a hold of you.

Probably you are really a gay person anyway trying to hide your identity. Don't worry real, caring people will not cruicify you. It is OK, just come on out. The world is really a beautiful place.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

........ real issue here marriage has been a tradional relgious issue in the bible its fairly clear between a man and a woman.most people including me have no issue with a cival joining allowing ..........

So its a religious matter? Doesnt that mean the government has NO SAY in it??? ya know separation of church and state and all that stuff???


Oh, so its a legal matter so we get to vote on it??? Ok, so doesnt that mean we cant deny anyone equal rights under the LAW because they belong to some minority group?????


Marriage is religious but divorce not????? give me a phreaking break!!!

Seams to be this is deja-vu all over again.

BTW Sideshowbob, i was agreeing with you

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Joel and Who Cares .....

You are pretty staunch defenders of gay and lesbian marriage.

You two wouldn't happen to be married to you own sisters are you?

I guess guess that since you feel gay or lesbian marriage is a civil right, marrying your sister would also be a civil right.

I could tell both of you are weird. I just didn't know how weird you actually are until now.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I Care
Joel and Who Cares - Lots of crap in your heads and nothing in your hearts. I only feel pity, but rant on. I used to be quite rebellious myself, so there's hope.

Oh contrare` their so called christian. I have love in my heart for all human beings, including gays...unlike you. I wish for all human beings to be treated equally regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation....again, unlike you. So, tell me again who lacks love in their heart!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

So lets see,

If Adam and Eve really did have more than two children then the offspring had to either mate with each other or their mother.

Hmmmm, I guess if it was OK for God it ought to be OK for the likes of the idiot above.

Just another sign that the false, phony Christains above just make up their nonsense to suit their twisted hatreds.

Now these phonies have even influenced the govt. Of Uganda to make being homosexual a capital offense punishable by death.

What crazies we have living among us. And these same folks will berate other religions. Ha, what hypocrites. How quickly they would judge others while overlooking their own shortcomings.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

You will ALL pay the wages of sin!!!

Be sure to leave a tip.

Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

The bible is also very clear that you shouldnt eat pork, so i guess all you holeyer-then-thow types who like to beat other people over the head with one verse from the bible, who had eggs and bacon for breakfast, will burn right beside the homos and the Catholics who ate meat on fridays.

Hypocrites are so FUNNY! but it sometimes hurts to laugh...

Re: Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

More fear spewed out by those who cannot accept responsibility for their own actions. From those who would elevate themselves at the expense of others.

How do you guys survive each day being such ardent sinners. You could just go off and kill yourselves to purge your lives of further atrocicities.

So where is Jeremy? He started this thread. Doesn't he wish to wade in and either defend his position or refute it?

Come on Jeremy, lets see your what you really think.

Re: Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

Joel Rosenthal
More fear spewed out by those who cannot accept responsibility for their own actions. From those who would elevate themselves at the expense of others.

How do you guys survive each day being such ardent sinners. You could just go off and kill yourselves to purge your lives of further atrocicities.

So where is Jeremy? He started this thread. Doesn't he wish to wade in and either defend his position or refute it?

Come on Jeremy, lets see your what you really think.

The voters of WV may not get to decide on the traditional Marriage Amendment until 2012, we don't know for sure yet. Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer's House Constitution Revision Committee has not even met in several years. She has had some very close races for re-election so I don't know if she will allow it to come before her Committee or perhaps lose her re-election bid in 2010.
Democratic candidate for Governor in 2012 Sen. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jeff Kessler is now on board and will have a vote on the issue in his Committee.
The 2/3 majority of the WV Legislature(both House and Senate) we need (39 of 134 of which are Republicans) would vote to send this amendment to the voters next November if we could advance it out of Committee.
Our side will make our case to the people,Joel your side will make your case to the people and then the voters will decide. What could be more American than that?

Re: Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

You give gays and lesbians civil rights, and everyone is going to want them.

Re: Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

Good news for conservatives on this issue. Delegate Tim Miley has just replaced Carrie Webster as House Judiciary Chairman. This is a giant step forward for supporters of this amendment.

Re: Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

So Jeremy do you really think that one’s civil rights are subject to a vote by the “people?”

How sad that you have learned nothing about the goals and ideals of this country. So let’s see Jeremy:

Would you think that it is Ok if the “People” voted to prevent Hispanics from holding office?

Would it be Ok with you if the “people” voted to allow the slavery of blacks again?

Would it be OK with you if the “people” voted to only allow Mormons to work in the court house?

Would it be OK with you if the “people of WV” voted to prohibit anyone born out of WV from voting?

Would it be OK with you if the “people” voted to prevent older men whose last name began with “B” from marrying?

You know Jeremy, after WWII someone once said that when the Nazis came for the Poles I said nothing because I was not Polish, when they came for the Catholics I said nothing because I was not Catholic, when they came for the Jews I said nothing because I was not Jewish. Now they are coming for me and there is no one left to say anything.

The tragedy is that our current politicians, ie Nazis, even think it is OK to put someone’s rights to a vote.

Well, Jeremy despite your prejudicial position, when they come for you I will say something.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

What makes this a "civil right"?

At first i thought tom was the only one dense enough to not understand this, but i guess i was mistaken.
read this and really try to understand what it means;
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence, and considered by some as one of the most well crafted, influential sentences in the history of the English language. These three aspects are listed among the "unalienable rights" of man.


PS; What in the world makes you all think that marriage is a christan idea?? All societies and religions, christan, muslim, buddhist, even communist societies have some form of marriage.
Your rules are not everyones rules, and you trying to make it that way is EXACTLY like muslims trying to force sharia law on everyone else!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

So which one guarantees the rights of gays and lesbians to marry?

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

So which one guarantees the rights of gays and lesbians to marry?

Are you being obtuse or are you really that dense? your saying that marriage is not part of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" ????
If your that miserable in your marriage then that explains a lot about your posts.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Same subject, dif day
So which one guarantees the rights of gays and lesbians to marry?

Are you being obtuse or are you really that dense? your saying that marriage is not part of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" ????
If your that miserable in your marriage then that explains a lot about your posts.

You are correct in terms of that being a pro life document.

Re: Hypocrites are so FUNNY!

Joel Rosenthal
So Jeremy do you really think that one’s civil rights are subject to a vote by the “people?”

How sad that you have learned nothing about the goals and ideals of this country. So let’s see Jeremy:

Would you think that it is Ok if the “People” voted to prevent Hispanics from holding office?

Would it be Ok with you if the “people” voted to allow the slavery of blacks again?

Would it be OK with you if the “people” voted to only allow Mormons to work in the court house?

Would it be OK with you if the “people of WV” voted to prohibit anyone born out of WV from voting?

Would it be OK with you if the “people” voted to prevent older men whose last name began with “B” from marrying?

You know Jeremy, after WWII someone once said that when the Nazis came for the Poles I said nothing because I was not Polish, when they came for the Catholics I said nothing because I was not Catholic, when they came for the Jews I said nothing because I was not Jewish. Now they are coming for me and there is no one left to say anything.

The tragedy is that our current politicians, ie Nazis, even think it is OK to put someone’s rights to a vote.

Well, Jeremy despite your prejudicial position, when they come for you I will say something.

No. Those are not similar issues to marriage for the most part.
Of course we have to protect the rights of all races.
The 70% to 80% of West Virginians (including at least 67% of the legislature)who do not share your views on this issue will not change their minds by and large due to these flawed analogies.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Based on your interpretation anything that one wishes to do would fall under "the pursuit of happiness".

There are perverts that enjoy having sex with young children. Is that their "civil right" under the "the pursuit of happiness" clause or does pursuit of happiness only apply to specific perverts like gays and lesbians? The Constitution doesn't really say.

BTW, I'm not saying that marriage is a christan idea. I am saying that it is a moral issue and the laws should not be skewed to encourage perverted behavior of any kind.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

So your saying gays and lesbians arnt people? why are you so worried about what two consenting adults do?? you arnt covering up for some secret in your closet are you?
Your hollow arguments are sounding, kind of, suspicious....

and like i said;

Same subject, dif day

PS; What in the world makes you all think that marriage is a christan idea?? All societies and religions, christan, muslim, buddhist, even communist societies have some form of marriage.
Your rules are not everyones rules, and you trying to make it that way is EXACTLY like muslims trying to force sharia law on everyone else!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I am saying gays and lesbians are perverts and the laws shouldn't be changed to encourage any form of sexual perversion.

If that is the life that you choose that is up to you but the laws should remain in place to discourage such acts.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM


Get a grip. It is not flawed logic. While religious leaders may choose to not marry gays, a civil ceremony is an option and under those conditions you have no right nor do a "people's vote" have a right prevent that in a country like ours which caters to individual rights and diversity. To do so only invokes those torid times whereby regimes controled everything.

Your rationalization to exclude anyone from a civil right is troubling. At one time I thought you might just be a rational, logical, caring, dedicated American. But more and more you seem to only care about embracing a party line. I am disappointed that you do not see the flaws in your own argument.

But again Jeremy when "they" come for you because your last name begins with a "B" I will speak out no matter what the consequences to me personally.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

tom & bauserman, your are sad, sad people, to be so worried about what some other consenting adult people are doing in there private lives. a little friendly advice, step away from the computer, and go enjoy some of the other freedoms that being an American gives you, before someone like yourself takes them away.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I will repeat.

I am not worried about what some other consenting adult people are doing in there private lives.

I am worried that our government is trying to pass laws condoning sexual perversion. With me it is a moral issue.

If you think we need such laws do we also need laws to allow other perversions or do we limit it to gays and lesbians. I have heard of consenting adults who enjoy having sex with animals. Should they pass a law making it legal to marry a sheep or a cow?

That could go over big in Pocahontas County

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I will repeat.

I am not worried about what some other consenting adult people are doing in there private lives.

I am worried that our government is trying to pass laws condoning sexual perversion. With me it is a moral issue.

If you think we need such laws do we also need laws to allow other perversions or do we limit it to gays and lesbians. I have heard of consenting adults who enjoy having sex with animals. Should they pass a law making it legal to marry a sheep or a cow?

That could go over big in Pocahontas County
It doesn't surprise me to learn that you consider the people of Poc Co. to be a bunch of animal screwing perverts, after you establish the "morality police" you will have you hands full for sure!!!!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

Oh, and while your at it, the Catholic church believes that sex, even between two legally married adults, is immoral and a sin unless they intend to make a baby. So add that to the vote, have "recreational" married sex, and go to jail!!
A lot of people believe drinking alcohol is a sin, lets add that, buy beer, go to jail.
You and your morality Police age going to be REAL busy!

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

I do not consider the people of Poc Co. to be a bunch of animal screwing perverts.

But there does appear to be a lot of people posting on here that are not against the practice as long as it doesn't effect anyone else.

It being a person's "civil right" to be a pervert.

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

OOps! Not true____- The Catholic Church teaches no such thing.(dif day please note)

Re: Meeting on protecting traditionally defined marriage in WV, in Elkins Saturday at 7 PM

catechesis revisited
OOps! Not true____- The Catholic Church teaches no such thing.(dif day please note)

If not then why are they against birth control? im not a catholic so i dont know for sure, but ive heard the same thing.

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