A Gathering of Messages

We are really interested in getting a bunch of ghost stories true or not up here. If you have one please post it!!!

A Gathering of Messages
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some more ghostly activity

There hasn't been very much activty for a while now . But now it's starting again or maybe it has and just not to me . Till recently hubby and friend says they have seen and herd some stuff though. We recently saw a shadow of a person walk by our front window again severl of us saw that I looked outside thinking someone was here but of corse noone was there and more thumping has been heard and the other night 3 of us saw light in the liveing room flicker real fast but not any of the other lights in the house did . and something or someone opend our bedroom door last night everyone else was in bed at the time. So it's been a little strange around here again but kinda cool to .