A Gathering of Messages

We are really interested in getting a bunch of ghost stories true or not up here. If you have one please post it!!!

A Gathering of Messages
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a lullaby sung for some one sick into the night

last nigbt my brother in-law was sick he was jercking around slept all day and still went to bed at nine and slept some more. We were pritty worryed he's handycaped so we have to care for him in just about all maner and ways. So I set up a baby monater grantit it's not the best I need a new one. It's a little staticy but I can hear it well and it was right up near my ear on my pillow. But what I heard from the moniter was his breathing and a lady singing it sounded like a lullaby but could not tell what was being said undistingished words. We don't know if it's a pased reative or the lady spirit that talks in the other rooms or the one that talks to a man with a deep voice in the other rooms if so it seems that she is very motherly and kind.