A Gathering of Messages

We are really interested in getting a bunch of ghost stories true or not up here. If you have one please post it!!!

A Gathering of Messages
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voices and the shark dog scrappy

I was just told just a min. ago that mom was naping and we were gone me and hubby brother in-law not home. That she heard voice in the other rooms. She says that it sounded like a man and a lady talking out here and we were not home yet. My hubby just told me and mom that they both felt r dog that died last year around this time of year. That they felt sometimes latly his heavy body walking on the there beds he was know to do this when he was alive. Hubby heard also his cat callar bell as well when he felt it we had to put it on him he had a habit of biting my feet we put it on so I could hear him comeing and try and get out of his way it never worked so we had to lock him up. But after they said this I remember just the other night felling the same thing but I didn't look I thought it was our pug dog she's heavey like he was but I should have known better pugy sleeps with mom not us and my hubby and mom know it wasn't the pug cause they did look and nothing was there if I get more I well post it talk latter.