A Gathering of Messages

We are really interested in getting a bunch of ghost stories true or not up here. If you have one please post it!!!

A Gathering of Messages
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our ghost again

recently I don't think I told this but one day I was sewing and mom and hubby was gone and I heard two pelpole out in our drive way talking or haveing a conversaion. I stood up I was just siting under the window so when I stood up I just turnd around and looked nothing there and they had stoped talking. But just this week I heard the spirit talking in our house not sure where in the house but see I get up real early and take care of my brother in-law he's handycaped I send him to a place for handycap pepole called the work shop or lonvew not sure how to spell that he's retared and atistic . Then after I get him ready for work shop I do my house chores and then have some lunch and take a nap. So when he comes home i'm rested and ready to work with him or to get exstra rest before he comes back for the weekend he has a pervider that takes him home for a few days to give us time away from him so I get him thrs. through to monday morning and only half a day on sunday. Well I had sent him to work shop and finished my chores and was haveing my lunch mom whent to refill some med. for my brother in-law for the weekend and hubby was it was cute he woke up asked for coffie and smokes but fell back asleep with an unlite smoke in his mouth siting up and his picher of coffie on the night stand by the bed so I was basicly the only one there or awake. I was eating in the bedroom right beside my hubby being cute and heard someone talking in the other rooms and I know mom wasint back cause I locked her out and I knoew I was going to unlock it before I was to lay down so she could get back in so when I finished I walked out looked around nothing or noone there unlocked the door closed the inside door and layed down .