A Gathering of Messages

We are really interested in getting a bunch of ghost stories true or not up here. If you have one please post it!!!

A Gathering of Messages
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stormy blue cat being odd again

preveisly I told about my cat stormy trying to get outside and he's fix so it wasn't a femaile he was after and he is very scarred of the outdoors. He was meowing at something outside. I taped it and got an evp of a spirit calling his name. Well last sat. He started doing that again that night but it wasn't at the window it was in our bedroom bathroom he was staring at the mirror meowing just like he did at our liveing room window I tryed to get another evp but he stoped doing it after I set it up and we got nothing I think had I have got it set up after the first time he did it I would have got something so i guess if he starts that i'm going emeatly and set up a recoreder and the mic I also wish I had had a cammera to take a pic. of that mirror I think I would have got something that way to because he was just going nuts on us it was odd well talk latter buy for now