A Gathering of Messages

We are really interested in getting a bunch of ghost stories true or not up here. If you have one please post it!!!

A Gathering of Messages
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the dream after the door thing

Hi again this is what happend latter in the week after the door thing. I thought it would be better to break up the storys easyer to read. Anyway me and my hubby were sleeping and I was hearing a voice but not knowing what they were saying and hearing me screeming in my sleep . While this is going on my hubby says he was ether haveing the same dream or I called him into mine. Me and my hubby often comun. without speeking and know what each other is thinking or what I need him to do for me around the house before I even ask and this is not the first time he has seen in his sleep my dreams. But this time he says it fritend him badly said that voice was saying evil stuff but at the same time he can't remember what and I don't ether all we know is it had a bad feel to it . I have been known to hear spirits speck to me in my sleep as well to of witch saved my life and my cats one was my grandfather the other was my mother. Ether it was and evil spirit or we were in another demention. Who knows it was just creepy and my hubby he slept on the couch for the rest of the morning.